AudriAnna's Americauna's

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. It's been a severely cold winter and I've been swamped with work and everything else. I am so glad my chickens survived temps of -30 and possibly lower for weeks on end. VERY rough winter. Sadly a little stray kitten that adopted the chickens as family froze to death about a month ago. I am really upset about it as I was trying to catch it so I could at least give it better shelter than living with the chickens. More upset at the idiot that threw it out because it wasn't wanted.
In happier news My Ameraucana's are finally laying. So I have blue, green pink and brown eggs in the house now. I am hoping to be able to sell my black australorps though so I can concentrate on my Silver Ameraucana's, and Easter Egger flocks. Silver Ameraucana's are about the rarest of the Ameraucana breeds and they are also challenging to breed. I think I have a fairly decent rooster but I have at least one Hen that is simply gorgeous. I'll have to get some pics of her for here soon.
I'm real sorry to have to tell all of you this but, My canna canna hen is the most beautiful ameraucana in this, or any other world! sapphire blue eggs, and breeds with my ameraucana rooster, already have 7 new birds from her.. Awesome
Here's some of the new batch along with of course a pic of my favorite Honor.


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Well we're finally getting about 8 eggs a day now. I believe 1 of my silver tipped black Ameraucana pullet just started laying because of the small blue egg we're getting daily.
Still no takers on the 4 black Australorp chickens we're trying to get away from. Nothing wrong with them other than decided to go a different direction with breeding plans.
Apparently have a few hens laying at night cause of cracked and frozen eggs. Also appear to have a rat making raids. Found second egg with hole chewed in it. This one was outside the coop and no way the chickens could have done that. Time to get something done about that.
Have 7 or 8 eggs incubating now. Took advantage of the weather a few days ago and warm eggs. Will be looking for chicks or hatching eggs of silver Ameraucana's this spring.
It finally happened, my tenant killed my prize rooster ameraucana I packed his crud up and physically removed him ..but I'm very sad to lose that wonderful Bird, his name was peeps
Wow! Your tenant did that? Sheer gall of some people. Sorry to hear that. Would offer to ship some eggs but too cold and I'm doing a test shipment to someone closer in a month or so.
Never shipped eggs before and want to get all the wrinkles out before I start selling.
Esmay one of my 4 Easter Egger hens is apparently deciding she wants to be a mommy. I've caught her near the nest or on it yesterday and she was on it first thing this morning and again just now (about 4 Hours Later). She did move off but not until I reached in to gather the eggs.
Unfortunately it's still way too cold here in Maine for her to sit on eggs outside and also way too cold for chicks in the unlikely event she was able to hatch eggs.
Guess we'll find out soon if she's going to go full on broody or not over the next few days.


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