August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Good morning and congratulations, Elemes!!
Good morning, all! I have gotten so much great information from reading BYC posts and articles, so I finally joined up. I am in lockdown with peafowl eggs right now, first time trying to hatch anything and I am beside myself with excitement/anxiety.

From six shipped eggs, I have five in lockdown (one had a textbook blood ring, so sadly it went out earlier).

One is peeping! It's peeeping!!!
Good morning, all!  I have gotten so much great information from reading BYC posts and articles, so I finally joined up. I am in lockdown with peafowl eggs right now, first time trying to hatch anything and I am beside myself with excitement/anxiety.

From six shipped eggs, I have five in lockdown (one had a textbook blood ring, so sadly it went out earlier).

One is peeping!  It's peeeping!!! :D

Exciting times!!! :jumpyThanks and good luck with your eggs- that's a great odd for shipped eggs. I started with 7, 3 were crushed and only 2 viable after 15 days.
We are super excited at my house today. We have at least one chick. Mama hen won't let us know if there are anymore yet.
Oh, that is sad to hear! It sounds like I got really lucky. The Ebayer I bought from packed them meticulously, with paper cups and bubble wrap and tape and more bubble wrap and newspaper and boxes in boxes. The only weird things was that two were put in pointy-end up, but I guess the Post Office may flip boxes anyway, so it may not matter.

One in the incubator has a detached air cell. I don't know if it has a live chick or not, but I put it in, anyway.

So happy you have a pip!
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That's exciting, Marlene!  I also started with 6 and am down to 5.  Did the hen eject the non-developed egg, or did you remove it?

Wishing you good luck with your hatch. :)

I have never done a broody hatch before. I think the anxiety is worse because you have no clue what is going on. But she seems to. At day 10, she kicked 2 eggs out. One was clear and the other had a blood ring. I didn't know they could tell.

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