August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Set my 6 giant jersey eggs under broody today. Hatch day will be 24 August, cant contain my excitement.
Unfortunately i had a large temperature spike and my forced air incubator was at 106+ degrees when I found it. I candled that night and separated the maybes to one side. Now with 11 days left i rechecked and removed eggs. I have 4 chicks alive and well in their little shells unfortunately the heat killed off the other 20.

I almost gave up that day but am really glad I waited to recheck them. They are due to hatch August 2nd.
did they hatch yet?
did they hatch yet?

One so far. I'm not sure about the others, today is day 22.
Set my 6 giant jersey eggs under broody today. Hatch day will be 24 August, cant contain my excitement.

I love JGs. I've had Black, White and Blue. No space for them any more.
I hatched 16 chicks 4 days ago. Another 15 are due in 6 days and I'm setting more tomorrow.
I love JGs. I've had Black, White and Blue. No space for them any more.
I hatched 16 chicks 4 days ago. Another 15 are due in 6 days and I'm setting more tomorrow.

This is my first time hatching this breed. These are black GJ'S.
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How is everything going today with your eggs? My eggs are still doing great had a little temperature spike of 102 but got it back down quickly. Love all the pictures of the new babies. Good luck every one!
I received my Marans eggs yesterday. Three were smashed and another cracked. I'm very upset. I had to wash them, which i hate doing. I let them settle overnight and got them started this morning morning with low expectations.
Well, my game hen who was setting off in the brush just came off with, probably, over ten wee ones today! Currently they are under a bush while mom is taking a long dust bath, so I can't get a good count. But it is a lot! I am tickled. This is her first journey into motherhood. WooHoo!

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