August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Thanks, I think. Not sure if I should laugh or cry. That's a lotta chicks! Mom seems so happy though....

Here's Bomber with her little family of 12. I don't think I caught them all. This is her first try at motherhood, and it looks like she's doing great. I must start thinking about a larger coop.:rolleyes:
Coming over from the July hatch-a-long, tomorrow will start lock down for our 4 or 5 silkie eggs, I'll candle the one that looks way different than the others tonight and decide if it's ok or not. It had been doing looked like it had two in there, and movement 3 nights ago, but not anymore from either of the odd spots. Yes, this is my first time, so I'm learning the entire way through. We started out with 13, but they went through shipment hell, and yes USPS refunded me $50.

We had a dryer die, so I plan on using the body of the dryer for coop, will insulate it and alter it a bit, and will be turning the drum into another warm farm.

Hubby decided to jump on the bandwagon. (bummer, since this was something me and my daughter-in-law wanted to do together and we had other things we wanted to hatch...and we live in town) He did a homemade incubator that is rocking the temp and humidity far better than my $140 unit could ever compete with. I love his homemade version!! He has 2 Mallard eggs that are due August 16, and 6 Ancona eggs due to hatch on August 26. Started out with 6 Mallard eggs, but 4 were yokers. I will know more on his 6 Ancona eggs later down the road when I can candle them.

So there is my story :)

Now let's hatch those August babies!!
I am down to 2 from my the original set I put in, 8 had blood rings, 1 stunk! 1 is good and then theres this one that decided to look like this Today's candeling which is day 12.


I'm pretty sure it's a gonner, but this is also my first time incubating too, and i had to make my own incubator when the mother abandoned her eggs. Does anyone know what's going on with this one? Is it a tosser? I drew the line on the outside of the egg for growth compaison, but the one under the black dot is on the inside of the egg, any advice would help and Hopefully everyone eles has better luck than me! I went from 12 to 10 to 4 to maybe just 1 now-Ugggh!
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