Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


I'm in Adelaide and I'm after 2 maran pullets. I'm finding them VERY hard to find. I want ones that lay in the darker shade of the maran egg scale. Does anyone have any to sell? They don't have to be show quality just pure bred and look the same, I have a bully. I'm also after 2 araucana pullets they also have to look the same and lay nice blue eggs. Not after show quality stock but I'm wanting to introduce 4 birds in at the one time.
Hi, in Australia we don't have Marans that lay in the darker shades of the Marans scale. Typically Marans chickens in Australia lay between 4-6 at the most. You might get the odd really really dark one but the grade of colour is taken across their season. They say the 20th egg is a good representation of what the hen should lay. Look out for people trying to sell you a Marans that does not lay an egg 4 or above saying they have'lightened up' for the season because to be a true Marans they must lay a 4 no matter what time of season (excluding stresses because sometimes that will cause them not to lay pigment on the egg.)

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