Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

It certainly seems like yesterday was the worst of it. I'm looking forward to letting the chooks out. Steve was in good form again at 5am and one of the pullets is finding her voice too. Hubby threw them some grain and a bag of leaves on a dry rise in their run and the complaining stopped.

Our moat is back, but will go down quickly as soon as it stops raining. In the floods we had a sacred kingfischer, fishing off our lawn and returning to the pool fence between swoops. I'm hoping it will return.
No sign of moulting here yet. My girls laid like champs yesterday. I got four eggs from the four that are laying at the moment. I'm still waiting on my first blue egg.
Foxes are the bane of a poultry keepers existence!

We have a fox in town who has decided daytime raids are the way to go...he has raided 6 coops now including ours and has a substantial price on his tail!
He hit us a few weeks ago which prompted us to extend their penned area and severely restrict their free roaming. Their coop is inside the pen and we are constantly making adjustments to further thwart the beasts! I do twice daily scouts around the pen at random times to check he hasn't been trying to get in.

There is honestly no way to stop them completely, except with a bullet. The goal is just to make it too much hard work for them to be bothered with your animals.
Do the basics, keep changing things so they don't get used to your patterns and routines and work out the weaknesses in the enclosures...they will stake out a place for weeks looking for a way in.
Dogs only work if they are free roamig...a smart fox will walk around a dog who is chained up or kenneled. They can climb chicken or chain link wire fences up to 7ft, or just chew through it. They have been known to short circuit electric fences....
If anyone who is currently experiencing too much water would like to box it up and send it out way...i will swap you for our dry dust and heat....we should be able to achieve a perfect medium!
Thank you Mother Nature!

The rain has eased and the radar is showing that we are nearly out of it!
Thank you for visiting Marcia but please do not come again or tell your friends about us!!

Fancy yep, if the radar was not showing that it was going to ease soon, the gals were on their way to the bathroom.

The worse has passed and I can now go out and don the wellies and start shifting water. Their coops are both still nice and dry inside but the run is going to need some work.

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