Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Yep I do that too. It usually melts pretty fast though

That is what I found at first too. Thought on it a bit and decided that a) already warm tap water was going to resist cooling, and speed melt. So switched to reusing 1.8 liter soda water plastics to store cool water for these days. b) salvaged a couple of the squat plastics that fit the mouth of my water feeder, making a long squat block of ice.
Empty water feeder , insert the snug fitting block of ice and tip in the already chilled water.
The last part is location..... Away from drafts and in the coolest part of the run.
In my case i have good shade till later in the afternoon plus a good spot out of the path of drafts.

On most, not all HOT days the water is still cooler than my tap water from the bore!!
Next step if this summer returns to its ugly self I will use the bubble wrap saved from parcels to wrap around the water container, three layers will do it, then kitchen foil that. Finishing off with a couple of wraps of silver duct tape.

Have not had to go that far yet.

The worst stress sign I have seen from my chooks is open beak panting......
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I have waterers everywhere. 1 is in the shade at all times. I wet under the trampoline as its the 1 palce with shade most of the day and 1 section I dont mind getting destroyed. Otherwise they all hide under the hibiscus. My febce is aluminum and I have a lot of cement paths etc so my yard holds the heat in. But I regularly water the dirt down for them.
lol from cyclone to heat gotta love qld!!
I need to get more shade in my run, it has almost full sun most of the day so the chooks cluster against the house in the morning and the fence in the afternoon, not till about 5ish is there full shade in the summer, guess where the vege garden is going once my coop is built :)
I have multiple waterers, 1 in constant shade in the coop, the other gets some sun but it's where they hang out in the morning. I often refill them just to refresh it, frozen water bottles is a good idea I think I'll try that,
These forum pages are a MESS, and defy ANY logic.

This fternoon I responded, read the preview, and posted........gone!
Yesterday posted here Rooster Straegy......appears in WHERE AM I , WHERE ARE YOU!!!

Front page, first post, LAST page latest post......some genius at work there

This reminds me of the aisles of most stupidmakets, layed out by retards on steroids.

Seems if one has a post selected and hits reply, a reasonable person would be expecting that to appear as a reply, right?......noooooo!

What am I doing wrong, need some guidance here before next post, and I am in hopes this remains in our threa and is not wafted off to the Live Otter baiting thread in another forum altogether


H E L P !!!!

This thread has become unruly and waaaay too large. Getting close to 20,000 comments / replies. Same thing happened to me - hadn't been here for ages, returned and said hello - asked a question and 5 pages later it was answered, except it was in real time, only a few hours ???? So I answered, ( forgetting to click on 'quote' to say thanks for the info ) .... and it appeared way down the track ... now have no idea if anybody knows I thanked them ??? Must remember to use the 'quote' thing on the message, so at least someone might spot it - many pages on.

Unfortunately, reply - say to someone's comment, does not show that persons's comment ... which ( considering I haven't been here for ages, I had forgotten !!! ) ... so now have to write myself a little note to remember to always hit 'quote' on the message I am replying to. AND to sign in ( I have often forgotten that too - that does NOT work !!

I kind of think there should be some sort of 'off-shoot' from this thread - maybe something like "The Island Continents Chooks" .....
...... but then that's up to the moderators I think. Not sure about that.

Anyway, hope you have better luck posting in the future.

Annie B.
Won't you have the same thing when all your snow melts? I've never been through a heavy snow melt so I can only guess at what you will be dealing with.

we are located on a hill so most of the water goes downhill...and we have a lot of it drains pretty well...although the back gets a little muddy when it all melts and ofcourse before it starts to snow...going to be working on that this year...gunna bring in a truckload of dirt and start moving it to the back
This thread has become unruly and waaaay too large.   Getting close to 20,000 comments / replies.    Same thing happened to me - hadn't been here for ages, returned and said hello - asked a question and 5 pages later it was answered, except it was in real time, only a few hours ????   So I answered, ( forgetting to click on 'quote' to say thanks for the info ) .... and it appeared way down the track ... now have no idea if anybody knows I thanked them ???   Must remember to use the 'quote' thing on the message, so at least someone might spot it - many pages on.   

Unfortunately, reply - say to someone's comment, does not show that persons's comment ... which ( considering I haven't been here for ages, I had forgotten !!! ) ... so now have to write myself a little note to remember to always hit 'quote' on the message I am  replying to.   AND to sign in ( I have often forgotten that too - that does NOT work !! ;)  )

I kind of think there should be some sort of 'off-shoot' from this thread - maybe something like "The Island Continents Chooks" ..... :frow  ...... but then that's up to the moderators I think.  Not sure about that. 

Anyway, hope you have better luck posting in the future. 

Annie B.  

I was having a bad day, had enough of the pain in the leg and decided to be a pain in the a s s! We'll! My best guess.
It is what it is because of what it is that is,
The work around is no real hardship and it's handy to be able to talk Strine and get Strine responses.

Some things chookie are universal and posting elsewhere casts a wide net if a person is seeking wider community input.

Once I got my had around the fact that it was just one BIG, LONG thread thing just fell into place.

Bit like living in Earls Court in the 60's a good mix, and easy going.
Post / gripe was my wrong, not the thread

I was having a bad day, had enough of the pain in the leg and decided to be a pain in the a s s! We'll! My best guess.
It is what it is because of what it is that is,
The work around is no real hardship and it's handy to be able to talk Strine and get Strine responses.

Some things chookie are universal and posting elsewhere casts a wide net if a person is seeking wider community input.

Once I got my had around the fact that it was just one BIG, LONG thread thing just fell into place.

Bit like living in Earls Court in the 60's a good mix, and easy going.
Post / gripe was my wrong, not the thread


ok I understand now Kooka. Do hope your painful leg improves very rapidly. It is good to talk to mostly Aussies here - there was another threat started a while back - something like "Australians - Where are you All " ..... but have not had anything from that for a long time, so presumably everyone has come back here.

My little rant is also my own fault - for not keeping up with things more regularly. Would much rather talk chooks than politics, but have been involved with independent networks etc., and that takes a great deal of time - doesn't get me anything but a headache - after reading so much stuff on it all, and it often leaves me a bit angry. !!!

So, I too will accept the long long thread and try and get back here to at least read more of what's happening around Oz, and notice there are a few Americans here too - they are having one helluva rotten winter.

Take care -
Annie B.
The humidity fairies must have heard all my pray/cursing/muttering...dry dry dry, yet a incubator with a humidity that is too high!
3am I woke up wondering what that beeping noise was and why it wouldn't stop...the alarm! I raced out to the incubator imagining all kinds of dire issues to find a humidity of 46%! Hallelujah! I left it and reset the alarm to 30...i will see how it looks at noon before I go adding water...a few hours of dry won't hurt after 2 says of too humid...
It's as hot as Qld here the last few days. We just had a huge thunder storm go through but now the sun is shining and it is muggy. On the wing clipping, depends on the bird. Do one wing and if it does the trick leave it at that. If she still manages to escape do the other one. :)
Time to light the barby, we are having my sweet chilli and coriander chicken burgers and satay tenderloins. Our guests are young Chinese fruit pickers , they cooked us a feast last night for Chinese New Year , it was amazing. Bon appetite ! :)

Aww sounds yum. We went to yum Cha for lunch on Saturday with friends it was great

Might have to get your chilli coriander chicken recipe though ! Sounds great'
I was having a bad day, had enough of the pain in the leg and decided to be a pain in the a s s! We'll! My best guess.
It is what it is because of what it is that is,
The work around is no real hardship and it's handy to be able to talk Strine and get Strine responses.

Some things chookie are universal and posting elsewhere casts a wide net if a person is seeking wider community input.

Once I got my had around the fact that it was just one BIG, LONG thread thing just fell into place.

Bit like living in Earls Court in the 60's a good mix, and easy going.
Post / gripe was my wrong, not the thread


Anniebee is correct and I'm glad you see This thread is like a bunch of friends sitting at a large table having a drink and a yarn and we make room for any visitor "just as Aussies do" Answer or offer opinions on topics or just say with pride accomplishments or whine a bit about our respective days - discuss hot topics ect ect ect

It's definitely a community

I am very glad to be a part of!

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