Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I've had an amazingly successful hatch this time. I don't know whether it's thanks to my new incubator and/or really good fertility in the eggs I bought.
Out of the 18 buffs eggs I put in 16 hatched, one DIS and the other didn't develop or was infertile. I put a dozen Barny eggs in and am at 9 already!
Were they shipped eggs?
I've had an amazingly successful hatch this time. I don't know whether it's thanks to my new incubator and/or really good fertility in the eggs I bought.
Out of the 18 buffs eggs I put in 16 hatched, one DIS and the other didn't develop or was infertile. I put a dozen Barny eggs in and am at 9 already!
What’s your secret?? What’s your humidity temp like?? I’m having a shocker this season… 7 eggs went in and only 2 hatched… last hatch was a little better i had enough to actually sell them with the exception of keeping Izumi and the hatch before that I only got 4 from from like 17 eggs.. don’t even want to talk about the hatch before that lol it was an epic fail!!
What’s your secret?? What’s your humidity temp like?? I’m having a shocker this season… 7 eggs went in and only 2 hatched… last hatch was a little better i had enough to actually sell them with the exception of keeping Izumi and the hatch before that I only got 4 from from like 17 eggs.. don’t even want to talk about the hatch before that lol it was an epic fail!!
This is my first good hatch in a long while, I spent way to much time trying to get a cheap incubator to work (first hatch I did with it was great, every following one was rubbish).
I am not sure if this incubator has a humidity gauge, will check for you tomorrow. I just followed the incubator instructions 😅
This is my first good hatch in a long while, I spent way to much time trying to get a cheap incubator to work (first hatch I did with it was great, every following one was rubbish).
I am not sure if this incubator has a humidity gauge, will check for you tomorrow. I just followed the incubator instructions 😅
Yea that’s what I did… plus I use a hatching app that’s never let me down… I’ve got a “good” incubator I’ve never hatched in it coz I can’t see in thru the top and I like being able to see how things are going in there during hatch so I use my cheap version of the pet one EI 36 incubator… last season was great this season not so much so I don’t know if it’s me or the incubators… or the environment with all the rain and cold weather…
Hoping a get a decent duckling hatch in a few days.. I really only need 2 to hatch but the 4 would good… I put in 6 eggs but I’m pretty sure 2 have blood rings damn it.. lol
Hey @Poultry mum, remember a couple weeks back I asked you about fixing a lame chick? Well it turned out I was too late so I decided to see how she manages with a hobble...I put her in the brooder with the second batch of chicks so that she doesn't get trampled by the others...this second batch BTW are all her same daddy....they adopted her right away & she's very gentle with them...two weeks in from her injury she's still eating & hobbling well...I don't think she even know she's lame! I love her Fuzzy face! 😍

As long as she's fighting & not in pain she'll still have a second chance in life...😊

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