Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Quick question. If my chickens had mites or lice what would they look like?

Twice today I've held the rooster and both times noticed a tiny pin head size black insect of some sort on me afterwards.

Could be coincidence but only ever seen them within half an hour of holding him so suspect not.

Would this be a mite or lice? Sort of too small to get a good look at it.
Was it long and thin or small a round or oval???
So small hard to tell but I'd say more round.
Check around the vent of your rooster and some of your hens for small-large clumps of white stuff, if present these are clusters of lice eggs.
This is what a chicken lice looks like-
This is magnified.

Mites are usually red.
This is a zoomed up mite-

Go into your Chicken roost at night with a flash light and if you see lots of little red thing like this on the roosts, walls and hens legs and bodies this mean you have red mites.

If your hens have scales that are not flat on their legs then you have scaly mites but they should be on you.

Don't make me get you worried (people always do this to if you have either of these it is really easy to get rid of, I'm just showing you the difference.

You can get mite powder and lice powder and you can get lice/mite powder which is better. You can also dust them with ash, here's how to do it-

Sorry for the information overload just trying to help you from having to make another thread or ask heaps of people.
Check around the vent of your rooster and some of your hens for small-large clumps of white stuff, if present these are clusters of lice eggs. This is what a chicken lice looks like- This is magnified. Mites are usually red. This is a zoomed up mite- Go into your Chicken roost at night with a flash light and if you see lots of little red thing like this on the roosts, walls and hens legs and bodies this mean you have red mites. If your hens have scales that are not flat on their legs then you have scaly mites but they should be on you. Don't make me get you worried (people always do this to if you have either of these it is really easy to get rid of, I'm just showing you the difference. You can get mite powder and lice powder and you can get lice/mite powder which is better. You can also dust them with ash, here's how to do it- Sorry for the information overload just trying to help you from having to make another thread or ask heaps of people.
Think ill look for the combined one, cover all bases. Is that a pet shop or feed store thing? I cleaned the nesting box out and gave it a good hose too. They still sleep in there because I haven't built a roost yet.
Think ill look for the combined one, cover all bases. Is that a pet shop or feed store thing?

I cleaned the nesting box out and gave it a good hose too. They still sleep in there because I haven't built a roost yet.
Yeah go to your local feed store, I use Pestene dusting powder (I wouldn't suggest the spray stuff). You also have to put it on the nest boxes because the lice live in their but if it's mites you have to clean out the whole roost and nest boxes with a proper cleaner. So that's why it would be better to know if it's mites all lice.
... you don't have to tend to them every second of the day and make your self be uncomfortable by worrying about them.
panting yes, they pant all the time and that doesn't bother me, but I have noticed a distinct correlation between temperature and bodily response by my Australorp cross (went temp reaches 42-46). Heat stress symptoms in this one girl becomes a deep throaty gurgling pant that wracks the body and the bird won't eat or drink, and has trouble focusing on objects. I think that is sufficient to warrant a little concern. But hey that is just me.

All the best to you all and perhaps I will see you elsewhere on the forum.
TweeTea I have known Luke (on this forum) for agers now and he is a not a nasty person. He would be just offering advice from his point of view and experience just like we all do. Like everything you read forums you take in and use the advice you think suits you and if it doesn't dont use that bit of advice then. It's all good.

My poor cochins where suffering bad from the heat yesterday so I upped them with the hose. Not sure the appreciated my efforts but it cooled them down. My wellies are the only ones I have had that love the sprinkler. When you let them out the run straight form the sprinkler if it is on and play under it. Smart girls in the heat we have been having lately.
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panting yes, they pant all the time and that doesn't bother me, but I have noticed a distinct correlation between temperature and bodily response by my Australorp cross (went temp reaches 42-46). Heat stress symptoms in this one girl becomes a deep throaty gurgling pant that wracks the body and the bird won't eat or drink, and has trouble focusing on objects. I think that is sufficient to warrant a little concern. But hey that is just me.

All the best to you all and perhaps I will see you elsewhere on the forum.

TweeTea I have known Luke (on this forum) for agers now and he is a not a nasty person. He would be just offering advice from his point of view and experience just like we all do. Like everything you read forums you take in and use the advice you think suits you and if it doesn't dont use that bit of advice then. It's all good.
Hi TweeTea, non of that was an attack on any one and I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway, I was just as satay helped explain putting my opinion in and I fully understand that if a hen is barley conscious that you would take action and help ( hell I would to ).
I was just explaining that if you trust your hens more ( they are surprisingly tough birds ) that you will save your self worrying and a big water But yes there are exceptions like with your Australorp and I do hope she is alright and gets better and is enjoying her Aircon
( lucky hen ).
Oh BTW it's RAINING here Weather make up your mind.
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