Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Love the goat pic Ash. Thor got the dog out of the yard but he was asleep up near the house when it got Zeus but hey I would not mind borrowing Sam. Maybe with 3 of them the stupid thing will stay out of my yard. Putting Zeus in the chook yard would not work Luke as he is a herding dog. He would never hurt them but the poor things would never get to sit still as he would be rounding them up all day and night lol.

oh ahaha. My dog is supposed to be a sheep dog, but when it comes to rounding up something he just doesn't seem to get the concept, he just goes around and around in circles not actually moving them form A - B.
Ash your new coop looks awesome!

Satay sorry to hear about your problems with the neighbours dog some people just shouldn't be allowed to keep animals and the council needs to have a rethink on some of their rules and regulations.

We finally had to take Mabel & Dot back the other. Turns out our crowing hens were in fact crowing Roosters. :( they were just late developing their feathers. Have to admit I had a little tear in my eye when I handed Mabel over. Still we replaced them with 3 more silkies as getting two replacement a just didn't feel right. :)
Starting to look a bit like the chicken ritz there Ash!

Our neighbor complaint update. The council guy went and double checked and there was defiantly no mention if the crowing, its all just the chook pen. He also found that the 4.5m actually includes from their run to the nearest house so we now know which neighbor it had to be as only one is anywhere near that.

Our run is probably 2.5-3m from their eve so guy said just put some sort of divider in the run to keep them out of the last little bit and we are fine. Annoying thing is that's the only bit with shade before 2pm.

Was thinking we'd put a little gate in it and use it as a catching the rooster corral and to put Broody hens so they can't get back to the nest. Won't tell him that bit though lol
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Ash your new coop looks awesome!

Satay sorry to hear about your problems with the neighbours dog some people just shouldn't be allowed to keep animals and the council needs to have a rethink on some of their rules and regulations.

We finally had to take Mabel & Dot back the other. Turns out our crowing hens were in fact crowing Roosters. :( they were just late developing their feathers. Have to admit I had a little tear in my eye when I handed Mabel over. Still we replaced them with 3 more silkies as getting two replacement a just didn't feel right. :)

Oh poor Mabel and Dot. Glad you got some new ladies though.
Starting to look a bit like the chicken ritz there Ash!

Our neighbor complaint update. The council guy went and double checked and there was defiantly no mention if the crowing, its all just the chook pen. He also found that the 4.5m actually includes from their run to the nearest house so we now know which neighbor it had to be as only one is anywhere near that.

Our run is probably 2.5-3m from their eve so guy said just put some sort of divider in the run to keep them out of the last little bit and we are fine. Annoying thing is that's the only bit with shade before 2pm.

Was thinking we'd put a little gate in it and use it as a catching the rooster corral and to put Broody hens so they can't get back to the nest. Won't tell him that bit though lol

Glad you get to keep your ladies and rooster but seriously I do wonder if some people sit at home all day trying to figure out something to complain about. Had a meeting(Requested to see the supervisor) with the council yesterday and they are going to at some point put a game cam in our yard to try to catch photos of the neighbours dog coming under the fence. By law now they can't fine them unless they have proof and they think this will do the trick. They also told me that they are requiring the neighbours to build a council approved enclosure to keep the dogs in. So we will see if anything changes now.
Glad you get to keep your ladies and rooster but seriously I do wonder if some people sit at home all day trying to figure out something to complain about. Had a meeting(Requested to see the supervisor) with the council yesterday and they are going to at some point put a game cam in our yard to try to catch photos of the neighbours dog coming under the fence. By law now they can't fine them unless they have proof and they think this will do the trick. They also told me that they are requiring the neighbours to build a council approved enclosure to keep the dogs in. So we will see if anything changes now.

Well you can only hope!!
More I hear council stories though the more it seems the only ones they do anything about are dumb ones like mine. Real problems seem to end up in the too hard basket.

Do you have to pay for any of the surveillance costs?
You could always catch him and call the ranger I no my dogs been caught a few times getting out of the yard in storms if the ranger gets them it's not cheap! That will teach them :)

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