Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

As a bonus this morning too I finally managed to capture the dog from next door on my video camera. It's from a distance but you can see it in my yard. The video has been sent off to council now and we will see what comes of it.
Nice one Satay, let's hope they do something about it now.
Yah glad you finally got some rain Ash. Thanks for all the congrats. I sure hope they do something about the dog now. It may take a few weeks as the animal control officer is flooded in lol (could only happen out here) Will update if anything is done.
My sole remaining egg is hatching!! :-D on day 28. Is there anything I should do since it's so late?
I'm so happy!
Wow I have never heard of one hatching that late. Is it a barred rock egg? It should be fine. If it looks a little weak you could add some multi vitamins (childrens liquid) without iron to the water (just a drop or two)when it is in the brooder. Can't wait to see pic's :)
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