Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Clock fighting is banned in most places.

The roo with the long tail is in a cupboard of a night and has an inside pen. They take him out on clear dry days so he don't get cold ( no moulting as much) and no dirty tail lol
O.K Satay, I have been waiting till she got better but....I dropped a brick on one of my chicks:(.

It was in the morning I got the brick off of the feed lid and dropped it onto the ground about 30 cm from the ground. I do this EVERY morning but today a chick decided she would run under it!

It got the brick of the chick straight away and the chick tried to run off. She ran to one side as the brick had squished her to one side. she kept running but kept falling over, I picked her up and held her, she just sat there, I think she was in shock. I put her down and she kind of walked off, she fell over a couple times but was supporting her self with her wings. So I picked her up again held her then put her down, this time she ran off better just a few stumbles but she went to mum and ate something.
I didn't want to leave her there in the pen with the big hens and having to catch up to mum all the time as she didn't look to keen on much movement ( wouldn't blame her ). So I brought her up to the house. I slowly stretched her legs, wing, back and neck out. She didn't make any shrieks or signs of pain, I am not an expert but couldn't feel and unusual bums or breaks in the bones.

I put her her in a card board box with a netting over the top. It had shredded paper in it to keep her warm and I put food and water in with her. I also got a Lava as a bit of extra heat. It is pretty warm.

That was about 3 days ago, she is now, I think fully recovered and Is back in with the flock running, pecking and scratching about with her siblings!
I am still keeping an eye on her but I think she if fine!

Now I place the brick on the ground every

No worries Luke it happens. Glad she seems to have made a good recovery.
Clock fighting is banned in most places.

The roo with the long tail is in a cupboard of a night and has an inside pen. They take him out on clear dry days so he don't get cold ( no moulting as much) and no dirty tail lol
Yeah, It is still legal in the Phillipeans. I know it is cruel but I love it when roosters fight. It's the fact they put mini knifes on their spurs so the loosing rooster actually dies.
No worries Luke it happens. Glad she seems to have made a good recovery.
Thanks, yeah hope she stay's alright!
Pure bred Premium Chicken breeds lot

Gooseberry Hill WA 6076 view on map

You will get in this mini flock a

French Wheatan Maran
Barred Plymouth Rock
Double Laced Barnevelder
Rhode Island Red

All pure Bred Hens and should give you 4 different coloured eggs

I am asking $180 for all four together ( if you want a blue egg laying pure bred Lavender araucana pullet included it will be $220 )

WOW She aint cheap ! Glad its in WA ! $45 a hit
Pure bred Premium Chicken breeds lot

Gooseberry Hill WA 6076 view on map

You will get in this mini flock a

French Wheatan Maran
Barred Plymouth Rock
Double Laced Barnevelder
Rhode Island Red

All pure Bred Hens and should give you 4 different coloured eggs

I am asking $180 for all four together ( if you want a blue egg laying pure bred Lavender araucana pullet included it will be $220 )

WOW She aint cheap ! Glad its in WA ! $45 a hit

You would have to be mad to get that!! Sorry but WOW!
Finally got Houdan eggs. The breeder only had eight so filled the dozen with auracana eggs. Let them rest for a day after they were shipped and set them this morning. Half an hour later I hear a bang and discover the lid of my incubator slipped off and knocked out three of my precious Houdan eggs. :'( They are cracked right at the air bubble. I put clear nail polish on the cracks but obviously very little hope for them :( so now I've basically spent fifty dollars for five eggs. The air cells didn't look right to start with, some very big, some just, messy looking.
I don't know what's going on with the incubator either. It's reading sixty three percent humidity but it's only been on for a day and is set for forty five percent. The room humidity is thirty.
Looks like I'm in for a month of worry with no babies at the end :(
The test run went so well and now that I'm hatching some that I want to keep..

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