Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

No idea which end is which in this one...
My two remaining girls at work lay eggs like this. I think they are coming to the end of their laying life, perhaps? My two are a bit over two years, which is a good run for Isas, I believe. Welcome to all the new members...what wonderful pictures of birds and eggs! As for the nameless little first thought as I saw the picture was that she looks like a Marigold! (I love old fashioned names!)
I like it! She will be named Mary after your suggestion. My silkie rooster has taken a shine to her... He's already had two cracks at her this morning! Hopefully he's got a bit of lead in his pencil and I can get some silky x Perkins. Does anyone know what that looks like?
Quote: Well ours are around 3 yrs old, and they are still laying, but although we have four chickens, I do not get four eggs every day. They are healthy enough , but are just coming to the end of their laying life. Yours still have a bit to go
I like it! She will be named Mary after your suggestion. My silkie rooster has taken a shine to her... He's already had two cracks at her this morning! Hopefully he's got a bit of lead in his pencil and I can get some silky x Perkins. Does anyone know what that looks like?

Not sure what it will look like, but they will certainly be excellent broodies.
I like it! She will be named Mary after your suggestion. My silkie rooster has taken a shine to her... He's already had two cracks at her this morning! Hopefully he's got a bit of lead in his pencil and I can get some silky x Perkins. Does anyone know what that looks like?
They will be normal feathered, likely to have 5 toes on each foot, darker skin but not as dark as a silkie, brown eyes, may or may not have white/blue ear lobes, small crests. (They basically have a pekin body with normal feathers and a silkie head and feet)
Hope you can make sense of that lol.
Well ours are around 3 yrs old, and they are still laying, but although we have four chickens, I do not get four eggs every day. They are healthy enough , but are just coming to the end of their laying life. Yours still have a bit to go
Oh, that is good to know! One chicken death per year is enough for me to explain to the kids! (We lost one last school holidays, for newcomers) The chickens at school lay all their eggs looking like that, though...rough, and very long and thin without an obvious pointy end. I give what we have away every Friday, and nobody has complained about the quality! There's not many, though...we'd get barely half a dozen eggs a week from two chickens. I just kind of assumed that it might mean that they were at the end of their laying life. It's all an I inherited the Chicken Lady title, I'm learning as I go. You guys have been an enormous help over the past few months, even if I don't post much!

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