Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hey guys. The little lame chicken has passed away. I took her to the vet that day and it turned out to be a broken hip
the vet said she had a very low chance of recovery and would just be suffering for a long time and recommended putting her down
at least she's not in pain anymore.

On a brighter note, I'm finally getting into the garden properly. I just got new raised beds that a family friend built for me

I've spent the part two days shovelling dirt because I WAY over ordered but now that the car isn't blocked in anymore, and almost all the planting is done, I'm just chilling in the hammock

OMG! I want those garden beds! They look great! So does the hammock!

:( sorry to hear about the chicken
Welcome Sparkles, I'm from Vic too

How's your chick Pinky. Gaping could be gape worm which from memory I think can effect their legs too, they can get it from eating earth worms, snails and slugs but I don't think it is covered in your regular wormer, I think ivomectin based wormers do though. Botulism from eating something contaminated can effect their legs. Have you have tried vitamins and antibiotics?

My new breed in the incubator are cream legbar. Only a few with floating air cells so I'm hoping I get a few from the dozen. I'm giving my crap incubator happy positive vibes so that it might have a better hatch than last time. Fingers crossed


Hahahaha, this makes me feel a little less weird about contemplating placing a crystal grid around my incubator to help it along with crystal vibrations.
Sorry to hear about your chick, Pinky. Sad when we lose one

I too, love your garden beds. We have a raised vege garden; much easier on the back!

Congrats on your 100% hatch Satay
You gotta be happy with that!
I absolutely love your garden pinky! It looks great. You just got to watch you dont spend too much time lying in the hammock!

Sorry to hear of your chicken as well :( But happy she is no longer suffering. Sorry, I haven't been following properly: How did she get a broken hip?
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Hey to all the Aussie BYC peeps - am loving this on- line community. Kinda cool to think we are all part of one big global chicken lovin' village.

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