Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Guyssss none of my chickens are laying
well except one of the silkies.. My RIR is 23 weeks I've had her for 2 months now i thought hopefully something but no!.. The plymouth too she's around 1 year old and has been with me for over 3 weeks and very much at home annnnd i get nadda from her, Wilma my Australorp is 20 weeks old hoping she'll give me something in a few weeks she's my fav.

PS: one of my chickens seems to being poop where its like water but with small pieces of food (sorry very descriptive) what does it mean? I cant work out who it is yet no one is acting any different.
Hi, I am a new (ish...) addition to this site and am also an Aussie. I have a flock of 9 Silkie crosses, 2 White Leghorns, 1 Isa and 1 Jersey Giant, and am hoping to add a few Araucana's in soon. I got a phone number of an Araucana breeder but can't get a hold of her, she never answers. I have read around this site and on other poultry sites and I have seen that the Aussie Araucana's are slight different to the American ones and have a tail. Is that true..? I don't particularly like them without their tails (no offence to those who love them..) and was wondering if they ARE different. Thanks for reading :)
In the US Americanas and Aruacanas are entirely separate breeds. Australian Araucanas have tails, muffs, bearding and crests, but do not have those ear tufts that are produced by that semi-lethal gene \that the Yanks breed to for reasons that are incomprehensible to me! However the US Aras are far closer to the "original" South american bird. Where on earth did you get a Jersey Giant? I thought they were extinct in Australia? xxxxxx M
Ash. You beat me too it. If you have really got JGiants. I would love to know where from because I want some !

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