Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Just got my first egg!
Am feeling pretty happy I must say.....
Congratulations! I got my first one too from my black sex link, Pepper. I was so proud of it I posted it as my profile pic.
Just wondering if anyone has any good 'treat' or 'Meal' ideAs for chickens?? I give porridge, spaghetti with vegetables, mixed veggies, dry oats ect .. Kinda new to all this and not sure what to make...
hi and welcome, mine love any scraps i give them, but i make up a mash of scrambled eggs shells and all, mashed banana, creamed corn,rice,porridge, scratch mix, layer pellets ground up, youghurt, they gobble it all can pretty much give them anything except Potato, avocado, tomato, rhubarb and any off/mouldy foods
Guyssss none of my chickens are laying
well except one of the silkies.. My RIR is 23 weeks I've had her for 2 months now i thought hopefully something but no!.. The plymouth too she's around 1 year old and has been with me for over 3 weeks and very much at home annnnd i get nadda from her, Wilma my Australorp is 20 weeks old hoping she'll give me something in a few weeks she's my fav.

PS: one of my chickens seems to being poop where its like water but with small pieces of food (sorry very descriptive) what does it mean? I cant work out who it is yet no one is acting any different.

I don't have much to offer on your BR, we had a laying bird come to our place and never laid an egg, but she was older, and as we later found out had some health issues.

Our RIR didn't lay until she was past 24 weeks, our Australorp was a little earlier, but not much. Our earliest to lay was an Araucana at 19 weeks, and Light Sussex was not far behind at about 22 weeks.

Just need to watch for the indicators, and (much like I struggled with) be patient. Not sure if you know what you are looking for but in case you are not sure. Indicators include, burst in comb and wattle sizes, squatting (with wings out) spreading of the pelvis, 'low and wide' body stance (heavy breeds) hanging out at the nest boxes and the 'egg song' all start to happen in the week or two before the first egg.
I don't have much to offer on your BR, we had a laying bird come to our place and never laid an egg, but she was older, and as we later found out had some health issues.

Our RIR didn't lay until she was past 24 weeks, our Australorp was a little earlier, but not much. Our earliest to lay was an Araucana at 19 weeks, and Light Sussex was not far behind at about 22 weeks.

Just need to watch for the indicators, and (much like I struggled with) be patient. Not sure if you know what you are looking for but in case you are not sure. Indicators include, burst in comb and wattle sizes, squatting (with wings out) spreading of the pelvis, 'low and wide' body stance (heavy breeds) hanging out at the nest boxes and the 'egg song' all start to happen in the week or two before the first egg.

Awwww thank you so much Bens-Hens that was such a help and reading that kinda made me giggle and remember how cute my chooks are so laying or not laying i love love love my girls so much i better just be patient
thanks again!

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