Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

We had the day from hell here yesterday. I got stung on the leg by a wasp. I am allergic to wasps so have a big red swollen leg today. Just on dark we see flames down the back of our place. Lucky hubby was home early. The neighbour behind us some one had set fire to their place. Thankfully the rural firies were quick on the scene so it did not spread to any of our properties. Then at 9pm found a paralysis tick on thor. Freaked out and rang the vet as he was showing no signs of illness they told me to monitor him and bring him in if he showed signs. So far he is looking good no signs of illness. I have all the tick prevention stuff for my boys so shows even with that you need to still be vigilant with your checking. Was glad to have yesterday over.

Bad day indeed. At least you should be done since they say bad things come in threes. Hope its been a better day today.

Sorry to hear about your rooster pinky and your little chick fancy.

Rest in peace Giraffe :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :':)'(

sorry pinky. :hugs

What on earth did you take that photo for?? :th
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Sorry if the photo was answer your question.. Although I'm no great photographer, I come from a family of photographers and I suppose it's just our instinct to document. I just wanted one last picture, to hold onto him somehow. It's really ridiculous how attached I was to him :( I'll see if I can edit out that picture.

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