Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

" ditto " mine don't even get mouldy bread. I steam the vege scraps to make them more palatable . My girls get annoyed when I tell them not to eat the chooks Greek yoghurt.
I don't eat my birds, but I do eat their eggs and only the best will do.
Can I ask a question. When I cook a BBQ and as I'm cooking, give a little cooked meat to my pet dog and say for example your chicken steals it. Does that mean your breaking the law?
And what is the government going to do with the wild mice that my chickens catch, kill and eat?
Wouldn't they have more diseases in them than a little fresh cooked meat?
I don't think many people are going to change.
I personally feel if it isn't good enough for me to eat, it isn't good enough for my animals.
Well said Smallblue .... We cook our meat properly to eat ourselves. What the HELL is wrong with giving the remains of meat ( no later than the next day ) to our chickens - or to our dogs
( minus the cooked bones for the dog ) ..... is this Big Brother at work - yet again ? I certainly can understand that rejected food from restaurants, hospitals etc. should not be used. Heaven knows who has had their forks in that lot. But a home situation ? Does a home cook use and eat rotten meat with disease in it ? ... if we do, then the Gov't, wholesalers and retailers have a whole lot to answer for.

What my chooks eat horrifies me at times. They pick up anything and everything from their run, including their own droppings at times ??? Yum yum. ! I keep that run as clean as possible, but overnight possums deposit their droppings in it ... ( must say I have never seen my chooks eat those - but the dog does ?? ) .... and I scrape old straw that they have messed up and finished with ? ... into the run, for them to scratch around in . Most likely that is wrong too.

I can understand the problems that may be associated with the introduction of so-called swill feeding. *appps has posted a list of possible problems. I know appps most likely got that information from : or somewhere else that is concerned with keeping Australia clean and free from disease - an admirable and necessary pursuit - but let sense prevail - PLEASE. ( NOT having a go at you appps - just noting the information I found ).

What does all this say about what WE eat ? On this premise, we should ALL become vegetarians or vegans ... and no doubt someone would come up with some excuse for us not to eat vegetables as well. Yes I am angry ... and I know I sound so. Perhaps the powers that be could look into the fact that our vegetables ( for exampe ) are covered in pesticides and insecticides, yet we merrily eat them, as presented in the supermarkets. ( personally I always try to take away as much of the outer leaves of vegies as possible ) - because of the crud the Government allows to be sprayed on them - for produce marketing and market sustainability.... i.e. MONEY.

There IS something I would never feed my chooks ... that is man-made meat - like sausages. The preservatives in them would be very bad for chooks. Not even the dog gets left over sausages.

Just sayin'.

Cheers ............. AB
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Hi everyone!

I must say law or no law i always thought it a little odd to feed meat to my chooks, my girls get mealworms every second week and that's as much meat as they eat..

Sorry to change subject and i know i've asked before but i wasn't clear to incubate then but hoping in the next week or two to buy an incubator.. What is the best one to get and where from? I'm in Sydney but post would be ok too and i want one that turns the eggs for you, if any one could post links or pics then i know what to look for, all i find is these great looking yellow lidded ones on ebay but then i hear they arent so fab hmmm I wanna incubate about 48 eggs or more at some stage..

Thoughts and help is MUCH, MUCH appreciated! xx
I don't know AB. Sometimes there could be basis for these things. I know nothing about it which is why I was so surprised to discover it was against the law.

But just because we can eat things with no problems it doesn't mean they won't affect livestock. Just like we don't catch the same diseases as our livestock.

The bit that actually confuses me is not that it doesn't hurt us so why would it then but rather how potent would a bug need to be to still be a risk after being cooked. I thought high temperatures killed germs etc.

Oh and sydneychickens. Funny I never thought about it being weird giving them meat. Mine love leftover spag bog :)
Could not give them chicken though lol. My daughter often complains about kids at school feeding the ones there chicken nuggets!
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Hi guys! I thought it would be unaustralian of me not to join the Aussie thread
Welcome Bethany :) On the meat issue. Mine do get cooked left over meat sometimes from bbq's. Never hurt them so far.
Sad news for me. Went out yesterday morning and it was slightly raining as i left. Was gone quite a while when i got back both my pekins were dead. I am not sure what got them but i am guessing a fox as both the dogs were a sleep in our covered area. I found the girls torn apart down the back. Rip girls.
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Hi everyone!

I must say law or no law i always thought it a little odd to feed meat to my chooks, my girls get mealworms every second week and that's as much meat as they eat..

Sorry to change subject and i know i've asked before but i wasn't clear to incubate then but hoping in the next week or two to buy an incubator.. What is the best one to get and where from? I'm in Sydney but post would be ok too and i want one that turns the eggs for you, if any one could post links or pics then i know what to look for, all i find is these great looking yellow lidded ones on ebay but then i hear they arent so fab hmmm I wanna incubate about 48 eggs or more at some stage..

Thoughts and help is MUCH, MUCH appreciated! xx

Alot of us on here have rcoms they are a slightly dearer brand of incubator but they are very reliable.

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