Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hey Fancy just saw your king George featured on the backyard chickens facebook page. :)

Oh cool satay, thanks for the link, I'm not on FB , but I had a quick peek
Welcome Bethany!!  :frow

So what have you got in your coop??

I'm not really sure what I have anymore haha! I thought I bought (last weekend) a white sussex bantam named Daisy, an australorp bantam named Daphne and a columbian Wyandotte bantam named Delilah. I have no idea what the australorp girl is anymore- she has a rose comb so maybe a cross? She's the only one that is healthy atm. I took the other two to the vets yesterday as the sussex has a pale comb and the Wyandotte has a bubbly eye and both are coughing. Very disappointing to have purchased sick chickens! Lets hope their antibiotics do the trick
I'm not really sure what I have anymore haha! I thought I bought (last weekend) a white sussex bantam named Daisy, an australorp bantam named Daphne and a columbian Wyandotte bantam named Delilah. I have no idea what the australorp girl is anymore- she has a rose comb so maybe a cross? She's the only one that is healthy atm. I took the other two to the vets yesterday as the sussex has a pale comb and the Wyandotte has a bubbly eye and both are coughing. Very disappointing to have purchased sick chickens! Lets hope their antibiotics do the trick

Oh you poor thing , not a very good introduction to chicken keeping.
Yeah not what I had imagined. The lady I purchased them from said that the wouldn't be sick and that I'm paranoid. Thank goodness I followed my intuition as the vet said they could hardly breath as their nostrils were so clogged! I was told I could bring them back and swap them over but I'm already bonding with them so I'm hoping I can spoil them back to health! Plus who's to say she wouldn't give me more sick girls!?

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