Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hey everybody. Thankyou so much for your kind support :) it's so nice to know there's a group of people that understand :)

Satay, so sorry for your loss. I'm glad Thor is ok and nice job on the catch :)

All the baby pictures are wonderful :) ash, the slow feathering thing doesn't seem to be linked with the white. The white ones I have now seem to be feathering normally but I have at least one barred that isn't yet.

So, life is going on here. I still listen for his crow in the morning and he would always say hello when I'd open his coop and the girls are just silent but it's getting better. My ara started to lay the day before he died so it's possible the past week's eggs would be fertile right?

I've decided I want another rooster. It was a great peace of mind knowing he was there to protect his girl and warn if there were any menacing birds etc.

So I have a few options.
I have 1 Plymouth rock hen and 1 Araucana. I also have 1 one month old Yokohama that I'm planning to keep and 4 two month old black copper marans that I was going to keep one of. So for that bunch, my options are:
1. Keep one of my late roosters sons (either barred or white) barred would mean I either get 25% white chicks again or none, white would mean I get 75% white. And there are the crosses with the other girls to consider.
2. I keep the marans roo and maybe two of his girls instead of just one. That way I could sell marans eggs. I'd keep one of my roosters daughters in that case to keep part of him around and that would mean no in breeding.
(Chookpatch) I know you were interested in the marans but haven't heard from you. Pm me when you can)
3. I could get an entirely new rooster. That would mean new blood line and I'd have him sooner to protect the flock but I wouldn't be able to train him like I did giraffe.

My partner seems to be leaning toward the marans boy (T-Rex) but I'm not sure :-\ any thoughts would be much appreciated :)

I am glad you are doing a little better Pinky. As to which rooster to choose that's a hard one. In your case i would keep the marans roo i think cause you can get pure marans or cross them with say an araucana and you would get an easter egger. Your choice entirely though. As we know i have quite a few different breeds of rooster and someone asked me a while back if i could only choose one rooster to have what one would i keep. Well excluding my beautiful booster in this as he is an old fella. I would keep my wellie roo. He his such a lovely boy... Mind you I like them all they all have great gentle personalities so I would hope i don't ever have to make that decision.,
Thank you. Your so sweet

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