Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

A HUGE thank you, apps...I successfully broke her over the weekend. I went and bought another 10m of garden trellis and knocked up another run, so the coop area became a complicated place of opening doors and fences, and locking the girl out of the nesting boxes while still providing access for the other two. Because they also sleep in the nesting box, it was tricky. The other two got all confused about a different entrance, so I basically had to throw them in and shut the door every night.
I locked her out on Friday afternoon and let her back in after work yesterday. I went out last night before dusk, and she wasn't out with the other two...I thought I'd failed and checked the box to find that she'd just put herself to bed early. I'm guessing she didn't sleep well the three nights she was on her own.


When you say they sleep on the nesting box do u mean on the nest?

I stuffed up with mine today. I've been locking the nest box at night since we keep getting broodies and somehow this morning I must have forgot to open it again. Poor things were locked out till about 4pm and then there were a lot of arguments because they all wanted to be in the at once.

Won't do that again but I'm surprised I didn't just come home to a bunch of eggs on the floor.
Is it Un-Australian not to like being called a Shiela?

I didn't
I didn't receive your pm Sydney..?
Re sent to you Bethany hope it gets to you this time..


O H M Y G O D ! I am the HAPPIEST chicken owner out today! My girls are disease free! Eeeeee! I can't believe it! The two separate results (a a gazillion dollars later) and all is clear! Best news ever! Next someone other than my silkie Parsley will lay me an egg! I can incubate eggs! I'm gonna start incubating, hatching and EDUCATING! People in Sydney on chickens before they become chicken parents! And teach them about disease and BAD chicken sellers!

Also guys your thoughts are much appreciated here.. I know someone who has chickens who hasn't got the appropriate housing for them, has high mortality in his flock either from illness or predators and his bird are constantly being attacked by crows, his birds are stressed and always having violent fights. Then he takes baby silkies out and around with him all day in a cardboard box with no water and no food! I bought my chicken off him before i knew any of this (we became friends through me buying silkies off him) who turned out to be seriously ill too! His parents don't like him having so many chickens and when i went there one day he had a rooster in a SHOPPING TROLLEY! no food or water or flooring just the trolley wire and left him in there! For how long I'm not sure but i feel sick! He will buy chickens and leave them boxed up in his car over night or until he can sneak them in without his parents seeing, keep them for a week disturbing his flock causing more fights and stress then gets over them and sells them like 4 days later! Knowing he has sick birds mixed in there too!

I don't know what to do anymore and I almost can't sleep at night thinking about them.. Should i call the RSPCA? He brags about having the council convinced his chickens are fine so that will be useless, ill loose a friend and he'll know it was me but I've tried to tell him a thousand times that its not on but he wont spend money on proper housing for them! He also askes me to try sell his chickens to my friends and wants to buy some of mine when i was sell them, I wont ever buy or sell chooks to him EVER again but i can't sit by do nothing hmmmm..

When you say they sleep on the nesting box do u mean on the nest?

I stuffed up with mine today. I've been locking the nest box at night since we keep getting broodies and somehow this morning I must have forgot to open it again. Poor things were locked out till about 4pm and then there were a lot of arguments because they all wanted to be in the at once.

Won't do that again but I'm surprised I didn't just come home to a bunch of eggs on the floor.

They perch on the edge of the box...always have, even when they had a proper roost in there! I took it out in the end, as it just hindered cleaning. It really is the crappiest coop ever. I'm saving up to buy some tools so I can build a better one. I've got quite the collection of old pallets, wood and corflute scavanged from the local businesses.
I received your pm SydneyChickens thank you again. Yay for your healthy chickens! That's fantastic news. What a relief it must be!

As for your friend I would advise you to trust your intuition. If the issue is nagging at you then it is apparent that you already know what you must do. It's terrible to hear of ANY animal living in poor conditions and being mistreated. Animals don't have a voice so we must be their voice. If this person is supposed to be a lasting friend then I believe it will all work out. If he blames you for reporting the issue then he's not worth your time.
Re sent to you Bethany hope it gets to you this time..:highfive:

:weee :weee :celebrate
O H M Y G O D ! I am the HAPPIEST chicken owner out today! My girls are disease free! Eeeeee! I can't believe it! The two separate results (a a gazillion dollars later) and all is clear! Best news ever! Next someone other than my silkie Parsley will lay me an egg! I can incubate eggs! I'm gonna start incubating, hatching and EDUCATING! People in Sydney on chickens before they become chicken parents! And teach them about disease and BAD chicken sellers!

Also guys your thoughts are much appreciated here.. I know someone who has chickens who hasn't got the appropriate housing for them, has high mortality in his flock either from illness or predators and his bird are constantly being attacked by crows, his birds are stressed and always having violent fights. Then he takes baby silkies out and around with him all day in a cardboard box with no water and no food! I bought my chicken off him before i knew any of this (we became friends through me buying silkies off him) who turned out to be seriously ill too! His parents don't like him having so many chickens and when i went there one day he had a rooster in a SHOPPING TROLLEY! no food or water or flooring just the trolley wire and left him in there! For how long I'm not sure but i feel sick! He will buy chickens and leave them boxed up in his car over night or until he can sneak them in without his parents seeing, keep them for a week disturbing his flock causing more fights and stress then gets over them and sells them like 4 days later! Knowing he has sick birds mixed in there too!

I don't know what to do anymore and I almost can't sleep at night thinking about them.. Should i call the RSPCA? He brags about having the council convinced his chickens are fine so that will be useless, ill loose a friend and he'll know it was me but I've tried to tell him a thousand times that its not on but he wont spend money on proper housing for them! He also askes me to try sell his chickens to my friends and wants to buy some of mine when i was sell them, I wont ever buy or sell chooks to him EVER again but i can't sit by do nothing hmmmm..

Depends what the RSPCA is like near you if its worth it. Ours is nothing like the TV show. We had neighbours used to tie a cow with calf to a tree with no water all day long in summer and other things. Neighbours complained all the time about the treatment and RSPCA never did squat.
We even had a dead calf in a sulu bin put out for collection by them. Took a peak to see if there was room for some extra Xmas mess in their bin they'd put out and got a nasty surprise. (The bin was next to ours but they actually lived at the end of a lane)

So you may not achieve much. He sounds like he needs a good kick up the butt and his parents to grow a pair. Any hope of convincing them to do something?
Apps that is horrible! WTH! If my work didn't require me to have no criminal convictions i swear.. Arghhh that poor, poor cow and calves
the RSPCA is actually close to his area but if they don't listen or act ill find groups that rescue hens see what they can advise, they may be chickens and not dog or cats but once you own them you realise how much more they are and just how much they know and feel.. Poor little buggers *sigh*
Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on for a while I've been sick, I'm finally starting to feel better now...

I set three golden pheasant eggs, and typically the power went out for about 5 hours last night/this morning before I got the generator going. All still seem to be working and ok from candling them. I've got a lot to catch up on but I will post some pics tomorrow.

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