Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hello everyone,

One of my local animal shelters has a young chicken for adoption but I was hoping someone could help me identify a few factors about it from the photo.

Is this a young pullet or a roo?
How old is s/he?
What breed might s/he be? (They classify her/him as 'grey' in colouring).

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am considering adopting her/him (only if it is a her I'm afraid due to local Council laws about roosters) and purchasing another pullet around the same age so that they can keep each other company. I have no idea why she was surrendered to the local animal shelter.

Gold Coaster
Hello everyone, One of my local animal shelters has a young chicken for adoption but I was hoping someone could help me identify a few factors about it from the photo. Is this a young pullet or a roo? How old is s/he? What breed might s/he be? (They classify her/him as 'grey' in colouring). Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am considering adopting her/him (only if it is a her I'm afraid due to local Council laws about roosters) and purchasing another pullet around the same age so that they can keep each other company. I have no idea why she was surrendered to the local animal shelter. Cheers, Gold Coaster
I would only be guessing gold coaster but my guess would be a game fowl or mix of one. Looks similar to my one and only malay game. It looks a hen to me but that could all depend on the age too. IF you get it and you can't keep it you can always pass it off to rexy she's on the coast (just jokin rexy).Thankfully I don't live on the gold coast cause I would buy it for sure :)
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Finally someone has taken pitty on me lol. By some miracle my eggs that were posted late last night have just been delivered to hubby in the city at least they can go in the bator tonight if they made it ok. Must have been all your good wishes Sandee :)
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Goldcoaster- Have you posted your question in the 'what breed or sex is this?' section? The people that frequent those threads looooove determining sex and breed
Satay, you can put vinegar in the humidity water right? Could help. So sorry to hear About all your bad luck :( I wish I had some pekins to send you.

It's quite dreary here at the moment. I've left everybody in the coop until the rain stops and it's been stopping just long enough for me to go outside then buckets again.

I'm About to set the last of my late rooster giraffe's babies. Will be interesting to see how many are fertile, especially of the Araucana's as she had only just started laying when we lost him. I dunno how they'll go because he was so big and the eggs are really little but I'm hoping for one little baby ara x rock.

Ash, how are the eggs I gave you going?

I could still use some help deciding on my future flock if you guys don't mind. I can only have five but I think I'm going to sneak a sixth at least. What would y'all pick out of these?

Rooster: Plymouth rock white, barred rock (sons of giraffe), black copper marans, or maybe like a Yokohama or something.

Hens (five): Plymouth rock and Araucana are already here and staying but must choose between: marans (up to three), Yokohama, white Plymouth rock, and houdan for the other three.

I'm feeling better About the idea of keeping the marans roo but aesthetically, I'm just not a big fan although everyone I know loves them.
Satay, you can put vinegar in the humidity water right? Could help. So sorry to hear About all your bad luck :( I wish I had some pekins to send you.

It's quite dreary here at the moment. I've left everybody in the coop until the rain stops and it's been stopping just long enough for me to go outside then buckets again.

I'm About to set the last of my late rooster giraffe's babies. Will be interesting to see how many are fertile, especially of the Araucana's as she had only just started laying when we lost him. I dunno how they'll go because he was so big and the eggs are really little but I'm hoping for one little baby ara x rock.

Ash, how are the eggs I gave you going?

I could still use some help deciding on my future flock if you guys don't mind. I can only have five but I think I'm going to sneak a sixth at least. What would y'all pick out of these?

Rooster: Plymouth rock white, barred rock (sons of giraffe), black copper marans, or maybe like a Yokohama or something.

Hens (five): Plymouth rock and Araucana are already here and staying but must choose between: marans (up to three), Yokohama, white Plymouth rock, and houdan for the other three.

I'm feeling better About the idea of keeping the marans roo but aesthetically, I'm just not a big fan although everyone I know loves them.

Gosh Pinky what a hard decision to make..What hens you keep I guess I would choose purely on egg colour and laying if it were me. I have never had houdans or yokohamas so I am not sure what they are like as birds. I would keep the white rock cause it is something different, marans cause I just love mine but besides that I guess I am not much help. My two girls from you are growing into the most beautiful looking rocks. I bet Giraffe would be most proud of himself if he could see them.
Roosters I would go with one of the rocks if you are not sure on the marans roos. If I was closer I would buy the roo off you as I have 1 black marans from julies hatch . All my boys are wheaten.
Sorry don't think I was really any help at all there lol. Good to see you back though :)
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