Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Well that could have ended badly had it been a hotter day. When locking the chooks in the run this morning I asked my son to lock the nest box. I meant the outside flap as we have a broodie in there and if a dog came round didn't want it able to push the flap up.

He thought I meant the door inside and so poor Carl spent all day locked in the nest box with no water and the others spent the day locked out of the nest box. Thank goodness we didn't have the high 30's temperatures we've been getting today.

I'm surprised though that the others just laid no eggs. I would have expected to find some on the coop floor?

Lucky escape there Appps.

This is my other 9 week old.. Getting the red slowly! They both have rounded tail feathers and the white one is a lot bigger.. It's just the brown girl is getting her features faster

Hmmm. I would keep an eye on the white one then. That comb looks rather big for 9 weeks. In some breeds slow feathering can indicate males too. Prob sexing is good but not 100%.
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HI I have posted this elsewhere but haven't gotton a reply. This thread seems more active so i'll try here.

One of my 6 roos is making a crackling noise in his chest. He is 6wks old? Sounds like he has muk on his lungs. What should I do? He is walking around and eating and drinking fine, but seems to just stand there with his eyes closed alot.
HI I have posted this elsewhere but haven't gotton a reply. This thread seems more active so i'll try here.

One of my 6 roos is making a crackling noise in his chest. He is 6wks old? Sounds like he has muk on his lungs. What should I do? He is walking around and eating and drinking fine, but seems to just stand there with his eyes closed alot.

If he has crackling in his chest you need to start him on a course of antibiotics. You should also quarantine him. Check for any underlying stress factors, parasites, bullying etc.
I'm really new to this so sorry if the next few questions sound silly.

How do I check for parasites?

Where do I get antibiotics for a chicken?

Do I need to take him to the vet? (my local vet doesn't normally deal with anything other than cats and dogs)

I have already separated him from the 5 other roos and my 18wk old pullet.

Thankyou SO much for answering :)
I used to hate the smell of coffee, although only started drinking it to stay awake for my daughter who is now 19 almost 20. I blame her lol
On another note, as you guys know these chicks of mine aren't even a week old yet, between 7 of them, they are going through 6 cups of chicken starter a day, can't keep up wih the amount of water. Not to mention they have feathers already :eek:
Are they pumping hormones in their food these days?
Carlos who made "chicken contest" (chick number 3) is claiming his territory with the cat, cat is 4 months old and is petrified of him.
Is this normal? I have never seen it
I'm really new to this so sorry if the next few questions sound silly.

How do I check for parasites?

Where do I get antibiotics for a chicken?

Do I need to take him to the vet? (my local vet doesn't normally deal with anything other than cats and dogs)

I have already separated him from the 5 other roos and my 18wk old pullet.

Thankyou SO much for answering :)

There are no silly questions . Do you have any antibiotics in your medicine chest? You have already done the right thing , by separating him from the others. If he has mites you will see crusty formation on his legs and lice will often be seen around the vent or under the wings. I find that if you hold a chicken for 10 minutes or so and it has lice, you will usually start scratching yourself.
If you google " avian vet " you will find out whether or not you have one in your area.
There are no silly questions . Do you have any antibiotics in your medicine chest? You have already done the right thing , by separating him from the others. If he has mites you will see crusty formation on his legs and lice will often be seen around the vent or under the wings. I find that if you hold a chicken for 10 minutes or so and it has lice, you will usually start scratching yourself.
If you google " avian vet " you will find out whether or not you have one in your area.
Very good advice. You need to get him on medication as soon as possible. Because birds don't have diaphragms like us mammals (this enables us to cough up mucus etc), a chest infection is almost always fatal, if it isn't treated.
Call your local cat and dog vet and ask them if they do take them (you might be surprised) and if they don't, ask who they would recommend you take your chicken to.
Also if you explain that you take your cat and or dog to them, they might help you more. (I don't know if you do?)
Another thing is if they don't take birds. Ask them if they could supply you with some antibiotics for you to give yourself.
It's worth a try.
I use to be a Vet nurse, so know how some of these Vets operate.
Good Luck
P.S. I ask stupid questions all the time. I even answer my own stupid questions with my own stupid answers sometimes. We all need help sometimes and on BYC they are glad to help. (saves me answering myself too shhhhhhh
No crusty legs. No mites or lice that I can see. Do you mean human antibiotics? There is some penicillin v in the medicine cupboard....Was my husbands....

What you need are " gram positive " antibiotics. What penicillin do you have ? Macrolides are specifically designed to combat mycoplasma , pneumonia and upper respiratory infections. Antibiotics were tested on animals but designed for use in humans, the only difference between animal and human antibiotics is the ones used in animals don't go through the same protocol.

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