Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

My chicken coop is under a stilted cubby house and we suspended some old guinea pig hutches for nesting boxes and it also has a roost. I am thinking about extending their coop up into the cubby house itself, so they have more room. When I let them out in the morning they climb up there and roost near the flag pole and the huge Aussie flag. I keep wanting to take photos, but when I do go out there with the camera, the chickens run away. They don't like it for some weird reason. Can chickens be camera shy?

I have a zoom lense. That way I can sit at a distance and catch them just being chooks. This pic is all thanks to a hawk coming into the garden. Chicken little said " quick kids hide."


Btw, it's raining again.
Aren't animals nutty sometimes. I am glad I am not the only one that has to chase their animals around to get a photo. My cat and dog are camera hogs, but the chickens, guinea pigs, canaries and king quail are afraid. I only have a small camera and I don't stick in their faces.

I am a little sad this morning one of our female canary died over night. She was fine yesterday and was feeding her chicks. I had to foster out the chicks to another bird. I have a great little hen, that always lay infertile eggs, but she is a fantastic foster mother. She has saved numerous chicks, that otherwise would die or I would have to hand feed (I have done this a few times with limited success). They seem to do better with a mother bird.

We are slowly collecting king quail eggs for my daughters incubator. We are now up to egg 7 and at this rate it is going to take for ever to fill the thing up. There is no one selling eggs for sale. I have looked everywhere, called numerous people and advertised. I know it's along shot, but if anyone knows of someone that might have some eggs they can sell, please let me know.

Satay I loved you doggie pics. What sweet looking eyes.

My RIR laid this tied dyed egg this morning. She is getting really creative and I might have to send her to art school.

I thought the photo would show the colour difference more. Oh well!!! At least the egg didn't run away from me.
I have a zoom lense. That way I can sit at a distance and catch them just being chooks. This pic is all thanks to a hawk coming into the garden. Chicken little said " quick kids hide."

Btw, it's raining again.
Nice pics!!! Babies!!! I love babies. My camera has a zoom built in, but when they even see me with it from a distance they run in all directions to hide. They don't do that when I have the phone to my ear or carrying anything else. I seriously think they are afraid of it. I wish it would rain here, we really need it.
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Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Mine was very busy. Just wanted to share.

My araucana has laid me a nice blue egg every single day since she started laying (4 days ago)
My Australorp X has also started laying. 2 large cream eggs over the last 2 days.
My Red Sex-Link hasn't started yet, but I think she is very close.

I bought some fertile eggs last week. The lady selling them had an over full incubator. I got 12 eggs at day 16. 9 blue eggs, 2 brown eggs, and a cream egg.
I put them in my brand new incubator and then stressed about everything constantly XD


Day 21 I got these 3 Beautys:

Chick 1 - Blue Egg

Chick 2 - Blue Egg

Chick 3 - Blue Egg

And Day 22 I got these:

Chick 4 - Blue Egg

Chick 5 - Blue Egg

Chick 6 - Blue Egg

Chick 7 - Blue Egg

Chick 8 - Brown Egg

Chick 9 - Brown Egg

Chick 10 - Blue Egg (Not sure if this little guy will be ok, it's very weak)

I still have 2 eggs in incubator but I candled last night and could see no movement. Will give them another 24 hours though because this is the first time I've hatched and I am in no way experienced enough to be sure.

Hope everyone enjoys the chick pics :D
Aren't animals nutty sometimes. I am glad I am not the only one that has to chase their animals around to get a photo. My cat and dog are camera hogs, but the chickens, guinea pigs, canaries and king quail are afraid. I only have a small camera and I don't stick in their faces. I am a little sad this morning one of our female canary died over night. She was fine yesterday and was feeding her chicks. I had to foster out the chicks to another bird. I have a great little hen, that always lay infertile eggs, but she is a fantastic foster mother. She has saved numerous chicks, that otherwise would die or I would have to hand feed (I have done this a few times with limited success). They seem to do better with a mother bird. We are slowly collecting king quail eggs for my daughters incubator. We are now up to egg 7 and at this rate it is going to take for ever to fill the thing up. There is no one selling eggs for sale. I have looked everywhere, called numerous people and advertised. I know it's along shot, but if anyone knows of someone that might have some eggs they can sell, please let me know. Satay I loved you doggie pics. What sweet looking eyes. My RIR laid this tied dyed egg this morning. She is getting really creative and I might have to send her to art school. I thought the photo would show the colour difference more. Oh well!!! At least the egg didn't run away from me.
I have asked everywhere for you jellybean trying to find you some king quail eggs but i have had no luck so far. Think i might have to buy myself some as lots of people seem to be looking for eggs. I did manage to get my jap quails to lay just enough eggs to cover my order that had to leave this morning. So glad for that,
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Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Mine was very busy. Just wanted to share. My araucana has laid me a nice blue egg every single day since she started laying (4 days ago) My Australorp X has also started laying. 2 large cream eggs over the last 2 days. My Red Sex-Link hasn't started yet, but I think she is very close. I bought some fertile eggs last week. The lady selling them had an over full incubator. I got 12 eggs at day 16. 9 blue eggs, 2 brown eggs, and a cream egg. I put them in my brand new incubator and then stressed about everything constantly XD Anyway..... Day 21 I got these 3 Beautys: Chick 1 - Blue Egg Chick 2 - Blue Egg Chick 3 - Blue Egg And Day 22 I got these: Chick 4 - Blue Egg Chick 5 - Blue Egg Chick 6 - Blue Egg Chick 7 - Blue Egg Chick 8 - Brown Egg Chick 9 - Brown Egg Chick 10 - Blue Egg (Not sure if this little guy will be ok, it's very weak) I still have 2 eggs in incubator but I candled last night and could see no movement. Will give them another 24 hours though because this is the first time I've hatched and I am in no way experienced enough to be sure. Hope everyone enjoys the chick pics :D
so cute :)

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