Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

AUSTRALORPS! Quiet, good layers and mine are more like dogs haha LOVE a cuddle and purebreeds should lay most their life! :welcome Wilma and I - my Australorp :love
When we hatch our next generation next spring I've pretty much decided to go with these. Over broodies and we had one years ago that was such a sweetie. But I want blue :)
Quick question guys thanks in advance. Can u have a mixed flock, I would like the eggs from a common mix breed chicken but would also like a few silkies as well

Yep. Just don't get only one silkie like we did. While she is part of the flock she also doesn't quite fit in with everyone else. She should have had a friend.
Quick question guys thanks in advance. Can u have a mixed flock, I would like the eggs from a common mix breed chicken but would also like a few silkies as well

I have a mixed flock with three silkies in there and they're all fine.. Just try get silkies that are a lil older than the others.. Also one of my silkies lays me about 5-6 eggs a week! And never been broody yet ;)
Wanna swap lol

Hahaha if it wasn't for Parsley (laying Silkie) I wouldn't have had any eggs! She is an awesome chook but NOTHING like a common Silkie!.. She's quite the bully and doesn't like any friends she beat up the other Silkie and it needed a friend so we ended up having to get another.. She's loud and noisy haha but I absolutely love her and she's a bit of a start of the show.. My brother who's over seas but coming home soon has claimed her as his chook haha
Hi guys having trouble finding silkies up my way, came across some polish and frizzle chickens any advice? They look awesome , Also have brought 2 commercial layers to keep my egg production up so i would like another breed to keep them company. :)
We have two frizzles ( they are actually a silkie x frizzle so technically sizzles). To start with their eggs were much the same as the silkie but they are 12 months old now and they lay a fairly standard 50g ish egg.
They do go broody occasionally but nothing like my silkie.
What type of frizzle are they? I believe almost any breed can be frizzled so they would be a frizzled something or other.

No experience with polish but always wondered if the poor things can see much.
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Hello everyone,
I would just like to thank Satay again for tracking me down some king quail eggs for my daughters new incubator. We should get them in a couple of weeks thanks to Satay the angel
It's people like Satay that make this world a wonderful world to live in.

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