Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


My little pheasant poults are growing... 6 more are in Lockdown down. I've been snuggling them every day, they have been feeding out of my hand and they sit on your finger :) They still scare easily but I can already see these guys will be much tamer than Velvet and Inigo.
Finally building a new coop for my girls, thinking of sound proofing it a bit as I live in a suburban street and princess has become quite noisey in the morning with her egg song at 6-7am ( over 30 weeks old and has gotten louder... Crazy girl). Is there a way to dampen her noise without compromising their ventilation at night? It's only until I let them out in the morning.
You could try insulating the walls. I have heard that is good for cutting down noise. I have not tried it here as noise from my girls is not really and issue .
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Wouldthick rubber covered by carpet be safe for the chickens? That should dampen it enough so it won't disturb the neighbours
Finally building a new coop for my girls, thinking of sound proofing it a bit as I live in a suburban street and princess has become quite noisey in the morning with her egg song at 6-7am ( over 30 weeks old and has gotten louder... Crazy girl). Is there a way to dampen her noise without compromising their ventilation at night? It's only until I let them out in the morning.
Ha ha. I thought I was the only one with a noisy hen! Lucy, my buff Orpington, screams so loud with her egg song, we can hear her blocks away!
I'm not sure about noise insulation, maybe others can help.
When my light sussex hen sings her song , it starts a chain reaction. Before you know it , it's a full choir. Perhaps if you explain to the neighbours that it is a song of joy and present them with some eggs they will begin to look forward to the sound.

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