Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Congrats Chook, you are having a great hatch. You will be even more overrun with chickens.

Mum teaching them to roost already.

So cute!
Well we had an awful day yesterday. One of the doves I was babysitting had a sort of seizure in front of my daughter and dropped dead. Poor kid was a bit traumatized to put it nicely.

It had been fine earlier, even escaped with the other one a few times to go on big explores round the house and we had had to keep popping them back in their little run. Just before leaving for town I noticed it was sitting quite droopy on the perch then on the floor then I was in shopping and got a phone call from hubby to say it had just died.

Its a horrid feeling to have a pet you are caring for die. I'm dreading telling my sister.
Oh no Appps :( How horrible :( But unfortunately these things to happen.
I lost a friends budgie a couple of months ago while she was in hospital :(
We held a funeral service for him in the back yard, son lit a candle as well for him.
Hope your little girl is ok x
Awww how cute :)
What were they again? Those last 3 remind me of faverolle chicks and that grey one is going to be cute with its puffy head.
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The first 6 hatched from Araucana Eggs, but the woman I got them from said they could be either pure or mixed. The 6th one I'm pretty sure is an Araucana X Blue Barnevelder. The last 2 Hatched from Barnevelder Eggs and are probably crossed with Speckled Sussex.

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