Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

No problem
Ok, thanks AGAIN so much

No problem!!!

You won't believe it--- I found cheap advocate online lol! Way cheaper then what I pay

Frustrating!! Haha I will now be buying from here ^
$30 for a 3pk and FREE shipping!!
I am assuming that is good, sounds good.

How long will that amount last for about 20 chickens?

Yes that's very cheap!
I normally have to travel to get mine for $40
In pet shops it's $62

Haha wow ok maybe you should buy the 6pack lol.. I only have 6 chickens.. If you do it once every 3 months it will still work the same... I usually get 7 drops out of 1 sachet ..
Yeah. I just got rid of the last of lice today ( they love my roosters hackle feathering ). So I hope I don't actually have to use the
But I assume I will.

Yeh I would use it anyways as it gives them protection for 3 months!
Mind don't have any mites since the first time using it at 8 weeks old! They are 23 weeks old now and not a single mite or lice.. And it prevents them from being In The coop also!

Another thing I find that works is that dematious earth.. I put that all over my straw.. Shake it in a bucket and Leave it for a week .. Kills mites also.. But takes a week to work as it's natural..
Hey guys.. I have a little chick that today as barely moved
he doesn't look well at all.. Hasn't eaten but has a full croup.. And his poos are a yellow sort of foamy look.. He's very larthargic.. I'm not sure what I can do for him :'( has anyone got any ideas?.. I don't think it's cocci he's on medicated food and no signs of cocci.. All the other chicks are fine
Foamy yellow is an indication of worms.

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