Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Ash that's exactly what I thought.. I had a chook go ill and vet said it was worms it's similar to this so I've put deworming solution in their water.. Hope it works in time.. Poor little guy he's so healthy otherwise :'(
Ash that's exactly what I thought.. I had a chook go ill and vet said it was worms it's similar to this so I've put deworming solution in their water.. Hope it works in time.. Poor little guy he's so healthy otherwise :'(

The problem with wormer in the water is you don't know whether or not they are consuming enough.
Most of the 'chicken ' wormers only do round worm. I'm switching to valbazen. The active ingredient
Is albendazole and it will treat all worms including tape. Pfizer make it and my equine supplier has ordered it in for me. Sid, I still wouldn't rule out cocci. At this time of the year, with all the humidity around the coccidia will be thriving. Medicated food will help to build their immunity but it's no ' bullet proof vest '. If you have amprolium get it into their water as a preventative .
2 marans out this morning and one pipping. 1 black and 1 wheaten so far.:)

Yay. I'm sitting here in the sun with my little weak chick. It's had some soft boiled egg and is now perched under my neck , making that constant little chitter cheep noise that means, ' ok I'm happy now, lift your wing and let me under' oops it just found my earring.
After a big day of showjumping yesterday, we are having a barby for friends . Jess has a few students this afternoon, but apart from that we are going to kick our shoes off and relax. Happy Australia Day everyone!
2 marans out this morning and one pipping. 1 black and 1 wheaten so far.

Yeah I do amplrolium! Ill do that now pop some in the water.. I stringed some worming solution water into his mouth really slowly early this morning, he could barely stand! And just now I've had to chase him to catch him to put him to bed! He could barely walk at 6am but I'm not gonna take it that he's better I'll be watching him like a hawk today.. I nursed him in a towel like a baby for an hour this morning lol talking to him and telling him all the ladies he's gonna meet in life ;)
Hey guys.. I have a little chick that today as barely moved
he doesn't look well at all.. Hasn't eaten but has a full croup.. And his poos are a yellow sort of foamy look.. He's very larthargic.. I'm not sure what I can do for him :'( has anyone got any ideas?.. I don't think it's cocci he's on medicated food and no signs of cocci.. All the other chicks are fine
This sounds like crop impaction (maybe worms as well). If the crop is not going flat overnight, there is a problem. There is a lot of advice on other threads. I had this in an adult hen & follwed some of the advice I found on byc. While it worked for me, it took 3 days & the hen was an adult. I with held food for 24 hrs (which is risky) but spoon fed glucodin water & olive oil & regularly massaged the crop. Whatever you decide on, I hope she gets well.

Re Advocate- sounds like a brilliant solution for mites & I will definately use if I get an outbreak but if it is effective in treating intestinal worms then it is definately going into the body & not just staying on the skin. Personally I would feed any eggs back to the chooks for 7 days but that is just my opinion.Small price to pay for such an easy and effective mite treatment.

Satay, would love to see pics of baby Marans!

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