Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I have never had chicks hatch early before. It's only early day 20 and I already have two external pips. Both of which are my Marans eggs
Uh oh, someone out the back is crowing. Other than Alfie that is.
Don't know who yet, it sounds awefully squeaky lol When I go out there they stop :(
Wouldn't be the bantam rooster yet would it? He's only just over 2 months old 

I would say it's your bantie. My pekin roo started to crow about that age.
There new owner will need to keep them locked up in the coop for a week. This way they have an idea of where to return and hopefully lay eggs. There will be a bit of argy bargy but that's normal.
I keep them separated for BIOSECURITY reasons but not everyone can facilitate that. A pen inside the coop to give them a chance to ' look but not touch ' might be useful.
To give them a good start I would worm them and dust them with poultry dust.

I will pass on that information..
I really don't want to give them away but unfortunately like I said I will eventually move out of home and my mum won't be able to look after them like I do.. And I thought the sooner for them the better...
They already fight with each other as it is, and that's another reason I thought a farm might be better.. Also they are on advocate so will be treated for the first 3 months! Hopefully they continue with it.. :(
Good stuff Lucas. Mine seem to often be a bit early but have a long rest between pip and zip.

Our little Corto boys (just sold) crowed quite clearly at 8 weeks. Almost as soon as the brothers were separated due to one being sold. He go as far as the lounge room when the brother in the tractor let out his first squawk! I was a bit shocked to hear it so early.

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