Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I had mites, not fleas. I assume this would work on fleas. PM Megan, she has all the details.
I am sorry, I am unable to find that site which had the Advocate. Again, try Megan.

This is the one you need to buy :)
Remember when u apply it spread the feathers and apply 1-2 drops behind the neck of the chickens directly on the skin!! 2 drops for adult chickens! 12-24 hours to start working :)
Sydney, I would do my research first on using advocate. The active constituent is moxidectin, belongs to the ivermectin group. It has been over used as a mitacide and is useless as a wormer in chickens. It will kill mites but not chicken lice. There are also withholding periods on meat and eggs.
I have used it for 6 months as advised by my vet and local chicken produce.. If you want something that's going to work it will have chemicals.. It can be dangerous if you don't apply the right amount for the right animal.. I had no problems with eating eggs right away after application...
It was the only thing that actually worked for me.. And thanks for warning people.. As people should do their own research.. I'm just passing on info that I was asked :) hope everyone can get their flea and mite situations sorted :)
Just have one question, how is it useless as a wormer if it's made to treat intestinal worms?
Quote: Thanks.

Sydney, I would do my research first on using advocate. The active constituent is moxidectin, belongs to the ivermectin group. It has been over used as a mitacide and is useless as a wormer in chickens. It will kill mites but not chicken lice. There are also withholding periods on meat and eggs.

IT HAS A WITH HOLDING PERIOD....SH*T!!!! I sell my eggs to customers!!!
Going to have to chuck them all out. Do either of you know how long the with holding period is?
Sydney, I would do my research first on using advocate. The active constituent is moxidectin, belongs to the ivermectin group. It has been over used as a mitacide and is useless as a wormer in chickens. It will kill mites but not chicken lice. There are also withholding periods on meat and eggs.


IT HAS A WITH HOLDING PERIOD....SH*T!!!! I sell my eggs to customers!!!
Going to have to chuck them all out. Do either of you know how long the with holding period is?

Poultry and vets say it's nil.. There is no holding time as you don't apply enough to effect the eggs.. 1-2 drops won't effect eggs... It's different for meat as it's applied to the skin.. I ate my eggs day after applications and there is nothing wrong with the eggs....
O.K, sweet
Yeh everyone has their own opinions on it.. My best friend is a fully qualified vet, and there is no way her or the practice would recommend it In that small dose if it was unsafe.. I have no problem telling people it worked for me, as it's the ONLY thing that got rid of mites... It's safe for any animal as long as the dosage is right!

Megan , I'm not trying to pick a fight . There is a lot of mis information out there. Ivermectin is not labelled for use in chickens and any avian vet worth their salt would tell you that. You may well eat the eggs and have no adverse effects but someone else may have an allergic reaction to it. Neurological damage is not always obvious straight away. There have been many discussions on ivermectin . We use it on our cows and yes it does have a withholding period, that is why our cows have to be ID and property tags . When it is sold at market if there are any health issues it can be traced back to your property. So the only reason there is no definitive withholding period is because it is not tested on chickens and nobody has the answer.
Lucas, just my opinion, but I would be exercising a 10 - 14 day withholding period, as in poultry specific wormers.
Btw pestine poultry powder does work but you need to treat at 10 day intervals as you would with head lice . Otherwise you are wasting your time and money.

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