Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Megan , I'm not trying to pick a fight . There is a lot of mis information out there. Ivermectin is not labelled for use in chickens and any avian vet worth their salt would tell you that. You may well eat the eggs and have no adverse effects but someone else may have an allergic reaction to it. Neurological damage is not always obvious straight away. There have been many discussions on ivermectin . We use it on our cows and yes it does have a withholding period, that is why our cows have to be ID and property tags . When it is sold at market if there are any health issues it can be traced back to your property. So the only reason there is no definitive withholding period is because it is not tested on chickens and nobody has the answer.
Lucas, just my opinion, but I would be exercising a 10 - 14 day withholding period, as in poultry specific wormers.
Btw pestine poultry powder does work but you need to treat at 10 day intervals as you would with head lice . Otherwise you are wasting your time and money.

Yeh I know that :) I just wanted to know why people are so against it when vets recommend it that's all.. That's what I said everyone should so their own research, and I was trusting my vet/ local poultry..
Thankyou for the information anyways :)
Well I got a pic of the gos hawk. Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but my baby chicks do.
Hard not to see the beauty in him though.
Hmmmm lots to research.. I ordered some of that Domastis Earth (deff spelt that wrong!) the organic power stuff but I know i'm probably going to have to treat the chooks themselves with something and bathing them in this pouring rain might not be best for my lil gals.
Megan , I'm not trying to pick a fight . There is a lot of mis information out there. Ivermectin is not labelled for use in chickens and any avian vet worth their salt would tell you that. You may well eat the eggs and have no adverse effects but someone else may have an allergic reaction to it. Neurological damage is not always obvious straight away. There have been many discussions on ivermectin . We use it on our cows and yes it does have a withholding period, that is why our cows have to be ID and property tags . When it is sold at market if there are any health issues it can be traced back to your property. So the only reason there is no definitive withholding period is because it is not tested on chickens and nobody has the answer.
Lucas, just my opinion, but I would be exercising a 10 - 14 day withholding period, as in poultry specific wormers.
Btw pestine poultry powder does work but you need to treat at 10 day intervals as you would with head lice . Otherwise you are wasting your time and money.

I'm with fancy on this one. I wouldn't use it. I know people that have and if it works for you then great. Luke I would throw the eggs for ten days after application to be on the safe side.
I'm with fancy on this one. I wouldn't use it. I know people that have and if it works for you then great. Luke I would throw the eggs for ten days after application to be on the safe side.[/quote)
I am using worm-enda poultry wormer. Is it ok to eat the eggs of I use it?
My chickens dont have worms, but going to treat them as a precautionary? ?

I am going to use worm-enda poultry wormer, is it okay to eat the eggs after it? Song it as a precautionary my chickens dont have worms at the moment.
Instructions only have a With holding period for meat not eggs.
Well I got a pic of the gos hawk. Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but my baby chicks do.
Hard not to see the beauty in him though.
He is fantastic!!!
What a marvelous shot, Instagram worthy for sure!

Hmmmm lots to research.. I ordered some of that Domastis Earth (deff spelt that wrong!) the organic power stuff but I know i'm probably going to have to treat the chooks themselves with something and bathing them in this pouring rain might not be best for my lil gals.

Diatomaceous Earth*** It actually isn't a hard word to spell once you learn

Don't use it on the chickens if they are just going to get wet even a few days later. The DE stays in their feathers for a long time which helps make sure all the bugs die and when DE becomes wet it's useless. The DE fines clump together and don't do anything.
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