Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Congrats on the new additions!!!
Can anybody give me some guidance with what to out on the floor of my run once it is built. I was going to put gravel with sand on top is that ok for my feathered friends?
Can anybody give me some guidance with what to out on the floor of my run once it is built. I was going to put gravel with sand on top is that ok for my feathered friends?

I'm not much help cause mine have dirt floors that I clean out every few days. I use pine in the nest boxes. Have heard of people using sand as it is supposed to have good drainage,
Can anybody give me some guidance with what to out on the floor of my run once it is built. I was going to put gravel with sand on top is that ok for my feathered friends?
It won't stay in layers for long...those chooks will scratch it up quick smart! What is on the ground at the moment? Unless it's a concrete slab, I'd just leave the earth that's already there. Create a sandy corner for dust baths and throw the clippings from the rest of the garden into the run. That way you can rake it out every now and then and use the poop in the compost bin/on the garden.
I agree with others...a heater is definitely overkill in Sydney. I think it would really only be useful in places where you would be snowed under for weeks at a time...definitely not happening here in Sydney! As long as your girls are out of the wind and rain they'll be fine. Where are you? I'm in the Canterbury area. :)
It won't stay in layers for long...those chooks will scratch it up quick smart! What is on the ground at the moment? Unless it's a concrete slab, I'd just leave the earth that's already there. Create a sandy corner for dust baths and throw the clippings from the rest of the garden into the run. That way you can rake it out every now and then and use the poop in the compost bin/on the garden.
I agree with others...a heater is definitely overkill in Sydney. I think it would really only be useful in places where you would be snowed under for weeks at a time...definitely not happening here in Sydney! As long as your girls are out of the wind and rain they'll be fine. Where are you? I'm in the Canterbury area. :)
At the moment they are in a store bought house on the ground but I am about to start marking out a new / bigger coop and run. Because the yard slopes I was going to build it up so I can give it a level floor. I have been shown the coop on the below coop by my mum that she would like me to build for them
Can anybody give me some guidance with what to out on the floor of my run once it is built. I was going to put gravel with sand on top is that ok for my feathered friends?

I tried sand in the coop & it was a disaster. The poops broke up into tiny pieces & kept falling through my pooper scooper & then the sand got wet. When wet it is heavy & stinks.
I use woodchips in the coop at the moment, but am trying to get hold of rice hulls as a less dusty alternative. However, if someone can give you advice on how to get the poops out I believe sand is cooler in summer.
I've only used leaf litter (lilly pilly's) in the run for the deep litter method & that is working very well. No smell or flies. That said, I haven't had my chickens through a summer yet so it's early days.

Pretty eggs Luke. What breed laid the olive coloured one?

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