Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Can I ask what you all use for dirt pens. I have sand inside which is working really well, outside the pen is dirt. I was told to add the hydrated lime from the local produce store which I did.. But now I'm reading all sorts of things about it! What else is there on the market in Aus? That's more safe, natural?? To lay over the dirt?

Have a look at this thread for info about lime I dont use it so I cant really say anything more about it sorry. Ive got my run and then the coop inside that, sand inside the coop then the run is split in two with two thin wooden sleepers. The smaller area where the coop sits ive got sand around that then the larger section is dirt because they seem to prefer dusting bathing in dirt rather than the sand. They free range all day though so they really only go back in there to lay, eat, drink and dust bathe. The breeder that I bought my silkies off had like a fine gravel in hers which she said was good
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Have a look at this thread for info about lime I dont use it so I cant really say anything more about it sorry. Ive got my run and then the coop inside that, sand inside the coop then the run is split in two with two thin wooden sleepers. The smaller area where the coop sits ive got sand around that then the larger section is dirt because they seem to prefer dusting bathing in dirt rather than the sand. They free range all day though so they really only go back in there to lay, eat, drink and dust bathe. The breeder that I bought my silkies off had like a fine gravel in hers which she said was good

That sounds like a good way to do it. I have two dogs roaming in the yard that are not use to the chooks yet. We are planning to build a dog run and let the chooks roam around soon. Maybe that will be the way to go. Hopefully they go back in the enclosure by themselves when the sun goes down :)
I might steer away from the lime permanently although I just read they use it in food inc baby formula.. Which makes me wonder how bad it can be? If I can find another alternative until we get the dogs sorted that would be great. Thanks for your much needed advice :)
Thanks for your reply.
It was more to keep them clean and mite free. :) :)

My breeding pens are dirt floor with hay in each of the nesting boxes. Once a fortnight I rake them out and sprinkle the nesting boxes with sulphur. I also sprinkle hay under the perches so it's just a matter of collecting the poopy hay and putting it on the garden.
That sounds like a good way to do it. I have two dogs roaming in the yard that are not use to the chooks yet. We are planning to build a dog run and let the chooks roam around soon. Maybe that will be the way to go. Hopefully they go back in the enclosure by themselves when the sun goes down :)
I might steer away from the lime permanently although I just read they use it in food inc baby formula.. Which makes me wonder how bad it can be? If I can find another alternative until we get the dogs sorted that would be great. Thanks for your much needed advice :)

No worries :) I also have two dogs and before I got my 7 silkies they'd never seen chooks! I just left my chooks locked up in their run, cause its pretty spacious, for two weeks so the dogs could see them/sniff them through there and so the chooks would get use to their coop. Id let my chooks out for about 10,minutes the first day then herded them back in and then id leave them out for longer periods of time until one day I left them out all da and thats what they do now. Ive never had a problem with them not going back in. Id just keep my dogs on the leads at first then after a while, and no more"dinner eyes" I let them off with the chooks and they're all fine! Its wedge tail eagles and hawks I have to watch out for now!
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Hi guys, I've had a bad week.... My little lamb pixie got poisoned by something and died. And the same day the budgie we are babysitting for my daughters school died. I've been feeling really s#!t so I decided I needed a little egg therapy...
Hi guys, I've had a bad week.... My little lamb pixie got poisoned by something and died. And the same day the budgie we are babysitting for my daughters school died. I've been feeling really s#!t so I decided I needed a little egg therapy...

Sorry to hear about your little lamb. You probably won't offend anyone if you replace the budgie, at least the kids will be none the wiser. :hugs
Thanks fancy, I'm hoping there will be someone at the school tomorrow so I can find out what to do. There is a budgie lady down the road so hopefully she has some pretty ones available. On a better note I'm getting some really nice eggs together for the Melb show on Saturday, tomorrow is the girls last day of laying to choose the eggs I'll take. I think I'm supposed to wash my chickens too but it's been sooooo cold I feel really mean
Thanks fancy, I'm hoping there will be someone at the school tomorrow so I can find out what to do. There is a budgie lady down the road so hopefully she has some pretty ones available. On a better note I'm getting some really nice eggs together for the Melb show on Saturday, tomorrow is the girls last day of laying to choose the eggs I'll take. I think I'm supposed to wash my chickens too but it's been sooooo cold I feel really mean

Good luck at the show. Mine enjoy a warm bath and the hair dryer . Little oil on their combs, wattles and shanks and a little pedicure.
My breeding pens are dirt floor with hay in each of the nesting boxes. Once a fortnight I rake them out and sprinkle the nesting boxes with sulphur. I also sprinkle hay under the perches so it's just a matter of collecting the poopy hay and putting it on the garden.

I do this and the lemon and lime trees Love the hay and chick poop

Hi guys, I've had a bad week.... My little lamb pixie got poisoned by something and died. And the same day the budgie we are babysitting for my daughters school died. I've been feeling really s#!t so I decided I needed a little egg therapy...

Aww sorry to hear that Chook. Egg therapy is a good fix ! Hope the show is a success....

Do you have fireweed by any chance ? I noticed yesterday it's all in bloom and rampant south if me in the farm lands

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