Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Sounds like vent gleet. If it is only mild try adding a teaspoon of ACV with mother ( available at woolworths ) to the water. It will help lower the PH level and I give mine some Greek yoghurt , probiotics.
If you are going to feed rolled oats it's best to soak them in hot water. If anyone gorges themselves on them you may risk crop impaction.

I agree with Fancy. When you are looking for acv in either coles or Woolies you need to get the one from the health food isle. It has all the good stuff in it. The one they sell where all the vinegars are etc doesn't.
Thanks for your advice. She has lost weight but is eating and free ranging again better then the other day when she was just hiding.

I am a little grumpy ATM. Let the chickens free range and they were in the back corner of the fence. Went to check on them and found a white empty bottle with dried up blue solution and a blue sponge brush attached to the lid labeled (poison) no label just a white bottle.. we have had severe wind lately so could of very well blew over the fence! Hopefully they didn't digest what ever it was! Could very well be the cause if this problem I have! Who knows how long it's been there for!!!
I agree with everyone. We sure are slaves to our flocks. If I don't go out with treats for the Belgium's by lunch time they are up on the window sill tapping away til I bring them something.
I also tell them each day how proud I am of my clever little ladies when they lay me a tiny little egg... Lucky I am on acreage heavens knows what my neighbours would think
AB my hubby has been invited twice now to be an adviser on an Antarctic expedition. They use the buoyancy vest that he invented. They don't pay very well but he is seriously considering it. He's getting plenty of practice acclimatising , it's snowing all round the hills as I type.
Satay you'd hate all that pretty white stuff.
Hi Fancy .... I haven't been here for ages, so missed your post. I am about 300 + behind at the moment, but am catching up now, reading most everything. I was most interested to hear that your husband had invented a bouyancy vest that the expeds. use down in Antarctica. That is fantastic. He really SHOULD go you know. It is a unique experience that could never be forgotten, and many many of the expeds. reapply - over and over. My son Craig will re-apply himself, when he's been home a year ( returns in December - normally November, but a month later this year ) ... and providing his health is all ok still - he will most likely be accepted again. They cannot do back-to-back expeditions - which is fair enough I think. The pay isn't bad at all really, when you consider that it goes into an account and sits there, minus commitments organised before they leave the mainland - as they need little to nothing in the way of money for 12 months. Fed,clothed, and housed and only have to buy a few personal items I think - like underwear etc. Or buy drinks at the bar when it is open. And are they ever fed - and so very well. 3 square meals a day, and as much as you like. Craig has put on weight, but as the sun returns, will be shedding some of that in walking instead of using vehicles. ( he hopes ).

All the best ....

Cheers .... AB.
Hey AB, I sometimes lag behind and need to sit and catch up. Just yesterday hubby was at the Antarctic division and they are trying to get him to be dive supervisor. He has to decline as it is in September and he and our youngest will be in Vic competing at nationals. Maybe next time. The pay for divers isn't that bad as they get all of their allowances too. Two of our friends have put in for the job but of course they will not have the knowledge of the harness that hubby has.
Sorry for your loss. It's hard to loose one and even harder if you don't know the cause. Keep an eye on your frizzle she may just blend in well with the others and all would be ok. I have small hens and large hens all together in one pen and they seem to get on fine.

Thanks for your kind words. I think I may get her a friend from someone I know whose flock I know is clean. She is the only bantam in a flock of 4 (2 Aussies, 1 RIR and her) and I can see from today she doesn't spend any time with the others. She decided to sit on their roost tonight (probably the cold) and I had to supervise and protect her till dark as they were pecking her.
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