Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

We have a Heinz 57 who started her egg laying with a 48g double yolker (after that she's been laying about 35g eggs). She's still a pretty small bird, there's some landrace in her which gives her the build and size she has. I'm guessing she doesn't weigh much over a kilo. She's been fine after that whopper, and yesterday she actually made a 52g egg, probably a double yolker again.

I'd keep monitoring Tina, and if it's really messy back there, maybe clean it up with some betadine or something, but I think she'll be fine.

Now Fancy will make me look bad immediately.

*Edit* @Teila This was meant as a response to you.
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OK, seen as there are some peeps in the room .. I will ask.  Sorry, I am probably being a paranoid chicken mum!

Anyways, Tina, my nearly 10 month old Silkie who has never laid an egg seemed 'uncomfortable' just before bed time.  I would describe her as sleepy/squatted, looking constipated maybe.

Anyway, I just went back to check how she was just now and there is an egg under her, it was cracked but I believe that would be because it would have dropped from the low perch she roosts on.  It had blood on it.  I checked to see if she was bleeding and while her vent was clean earlier in the day, she had a lot of poop on it.  I couldn't see any blood.

It came as a total surprise because she has not been squatting or nesting or showing any signs of the first egg.

While I am trying to be excited for her, I am worried that it may have been too big for her or caused some internal damage?  Also, laying it at 7pm at night; could it have caused her issues during the day at all?

Any signs I should be looking for?

Nothing to worry about , it's common for first timers to to have blood smears on their eggs. You only need to worry if it becomes reoccurring. And just to keep Felix happy , here's the link.
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Thank you Vehve, that makes me feel a little better :)

Funnily enough, my little bantam cochin also laid her first egg this week but I knew that was coming because she kept getting in and out of the nest box and was squatting for days beforehand.

I think this one was as much a surprise for Tina as it was for me. As I said, she has not been squatting, showed absolutely no signs of laying her first egg and then drops this one at 7pm at night.

I will definitely keep an eye on her.
Any victorians here

I'm a Victorian
Nothing to worry about , it's common for first timers to to have blood smears on their eggs. You only need to worry if it becomes reoccurring .

Thank you Fancychooklady!

I have never had an egg with blood on it and definitely not at 7pm at night. I was worried that it may have been stuck for a while, causing her issues.

Do you think I can leave her to sleep now; or should I maybe check on her later?

Have you ever had one that sneak up like that, complete surprise to the hen and you?

The good news, at least I now know she is a hen
Thank you Fancychooklady! :)

I have never had an egg with blood on it and definitely not at 7pm at night.  I was worried that it may have been stuck for a while, causing her issues.

Do you think I can leave her to sleep now; or should I maybe check on her later?

Have you ever had one that sneak up like that, complete surprise to the hen and you?

The good news, at least I now know she is a hen ;)

I would let her go to bed now, it's been an eventful day for you both. You know what they say about silkies , " wait for them to crow or lay an egg " . :)
I would let her go to bed now, it's been an eventful day for you both. You know what they say about silkies , " wait for them to crow or lay an egg " .

Thanks again Fancychooklady .. I really do appreciate your help

Yep, it has been a long 10 months waiting to see if Tina was in fact Tina .. I will stop worrying and give her an extra big snuggle in the morning

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