Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Rather happy so just thought I would share a poop-date ;-)

I have not had a normal poop from Carl since the end of April. I was very excited to find not only solid poops in the little cage this afternoon but a total lack of any watery or diareah or undigested grass ones as well! Still rather more yellow than normal but other than that looked normal so I am daring to hope this means we have turned the corner and are heading towards recovery!

Rather happy so just thought I would share a poop-date ;-)

I have not had a normal poop from Carl since the end of April. I was very excited to find not only solid poops in the little cage this afternoon but a total lack of any watery or diareah or undigested grass ones as well! Still rather more yellow than normal but other than that looked normal so I am daring to hope this means we have turned the corner and are heading towards recovery!
Howdy Peeps :frow Fancy congratulations to your daughter, you and of course, those beautiful horses :clap chooks01 aaaw, what a beautiful bub! They Call Me Bruce! Tee hee appps a million dollar question makes a change from a silly one ;) Hey Satay, yeah it would be good if you could check out the wing thing next Pekin hatch; I am curious. K Spot congrats on the fertile Casanova eggs and congrats on Merry’s first egg Deej211. Ash your IG boy is stunning!! And apparently very brave ;) Your LS roos are also beautiful! I read a post yesterday in which the OP was woken at 01:30am by excessive screeching and the stench of skunk. She went out to find no dead hens but two injured roosters. Her Australorp and Americauna saved her hens and ducks from a skunk... the skunk was badly injured and she had to put it out of it’s misery. Her roosters are going to be OK and are getting lots of love and TLC for their wounds … clever boys! News from Bambrook Bantams .. zip, zero and zilch ;) Still only one layer at the moment .. Dusty. Getting 1 egg every day or two which is better than nothing :)
he just keep on doing them ninja moves
Evening all

Hey Deej211 I know nothing about RIR’s, sorry. I agree with appps though in that they do not look frizzled. I also agree with satay and thought there could be some Silkie in the one on the right.

Talking feather sexing, are Pekin’s one of those breeds you can feather sex? I have a theory that I am half heartedly considering. I have noticed that in both of my Pekin hatches, all the boys had shorter wing feathers than the girls. Even at 3-5 weeks old the girls’ wing feathers reached right around to their tail while the boys were only half way down the body. Coincidence?

I know that some breeds can be feather sexed at one day old but I thought the window was closed after that?

So, today was the first day that all of the flock were in the run together until 4pm … again, no fights, no angst, all good.

I also wormed everyone today. Took the water containers away last night and popped them back in at 06:30am with Kilverm added. Because I was working, I could not watch to see if they drank any and it was a little difficult to tell by the container levels if they had.

When I disposed of the remaining at 04:00pm and topped up the containers with fresh water, they all came over for a drink.

Would the little sneaks not have had a drink all day because of the wormer? If they only drank when they really needed to, would they have got enough wormer in them?

... Yes Teila - the little sneaks could well have have gone without drinking, because it just wasn't 'correct' to their specifications !!!

Had a talk to the local stock and produce merchant about that, recently ( similar problem ) .... she said to leave the water in there ( not to change it within the day ) ... until you could see that they had actually drunk some of it !! ( and in winter there'd be little evaporation ) ...

But no longer than leaving it for say 2.5 days. ... i.e.. Take away their normal water ( which is, if out of the tap, loaded with chemicals anyway !! - I HATE that ) .... early a.m. day one - and remove it day 3 at the end of the day. ... Refill the water containers then. ... Mind you, it most likely depends on the Kilverm wormer you are using - and the directions on the bottle. .... but apparently you cannot 'overworm' a chicken, any more than you can overworm a dog. They absorb it well.

However, I stand to be corrected on any aspects of this - anyone ? ....

As long as the chooks don't make a total mess of their drinking water, apparently, it is ok to leave it for them to contemplate for 48 hrs +. !!!

Might be interesting to find out what is super attractive as an additive to water ( providing it doesn't clash with the wormer ) that might entice them to drink it. .... might that be garlic ?
I really don't know ... does anyone know what ( for my own benefit as well as others ) .... what is absolutely irresistable to chooks - in water ???

If I find out myself, I will post.

Cheers --- Anniebee.
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.... Um .... I cannot in any way, vouch for this link ... but it was interesting.

Frankly can't imagine chilli being something that chooks would delight in ... but here's a link to a devised natural mash for worming.

I have some doubts - but here goes :

I can understand the turmeric in it --- but ??? ...

Would love to know some thoughts on this. .... Probably couldn't hurt the girls - just fed as a mash, even if it does little as far as worms are concerned.

I do know that worms do NOT like garlic.

Cheers all - Anniebee.
Anniebee mine seem to quite like the fennel tea I've given mine to aid crop digestion. I have since read that it can encourage them to drink as well.
i know the nicest man he offered to build me chickens/duck/goose/turkey houses for free that would usely cost $400 and he would buy the supplies too and of course i said yes but i offered to buy the supplies but he refused and and said all he wanted was that i give him some quinea keets from my hatch for free
.... Um .... I cannot in any way, vouch for this link ... but it was interesting.   

Frankly can't imagine chilli being something that chooks would delight in ... but here's a link to a devised natural mash for worming.  

I have some doubts - but here goes :

I can understand the turmeric in it --- but ???   ...

Would love to know some thoughts on this.   .... Probably couldn't hurt the girls - just fed as a mash, even if it does little as far as worms are concerned. 

I do know that worms do NOT like garlic.   

Cheers all -  Anniebee.   

Mine love garlic . Whilst the sulphur is undesirable there is no science to support the idea that it will kill worms. Anthemintics are the only sure fire way to kill intestinal parasites.
Wormers settle in the bottom of the dish and are less effective after 8 hours. It is best to remove water in the evening and replace with fresh made up the next morning.
It is difficult to overdose with fenbendazole , albendazole and levamisole but it is also impossible to judge how much any individual bird might be getting. In small flocks it is far more accurate to dose birds individually than in the water.
Chickens have no heat receptions in their beaks so they can eat the hottest of chillis and curries.
I am not against ' natural ' remedies, but if I see evidence of parasites I reach for the product I know will work . I've seen birds die from worm overload because the owner was led to believe that sprinkling cayenne pepper on the feed would kill roundworm.
In the end it's ' each to their own ' . :)
We all strive for healthy birds.
Rather happy so just thought I would share a poop-date ;-)

I have not had a normal poop from Carl since the end of April. I was very excited to find not only solid poops in the little cage this afternoon but a total lack of any watery or diareah or undigested grass ones as well! Still rather more yellow than normal but other than that looked normal so I am daring to hope this means we have turned the corner and are heading towards recovery!

Sounds very positive apps .... ... you have devoted so much time and effort to helping your much loved Carl - I am hoping ( sure ) she has responded ... Now you wait for the weight to be back on, and then she will be in peak condition.

Well done ...

Cheers - Anniebee.

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