Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hay Satay (and anyone else who breeds Marans), with your Marans are you able to identify in any way which individual lays the best eggs?
I have two Marans laying at the moment and one is laying a very nice colour egg while the other is not. Is there anyway I can ID who the lighter laying hen is so that I can put her into the laying flock pen?

I was thinking I'd just have to separate each chicken and see who lays what, but that might stress them and stop their laying?!
 Sorry about the loss of your leghorn.  Sounds like you have a lovely mixed flock.  :welcome 1340busa! 
thanks. Here in the state of Georgia, the county I live in bans backyard chickens. You have to have at least 5 acres to have backyard chickens. There are a lot of people wanting to fight this. Seems as though there are a lot of people that want to grow their own food and raise their own poultry. We are about 30 miles north west of Atlanta Georgia. Hopefully enough can join together and win this fight for backyard chickens. I live in a small neighborhood out in the country on a half an acre. Didn't know about the zoning laws before I got the chickens. So far I have been safe. My neighbors don't mind, especially since I give them fresh eggs. Anyway, enough rambling. Have a BLESSED day.
That's cold BRRR!
Good morning folks

Hey Deej211 congrats on the newbies, looking forward to the pics.

I see and read that lots of people are getting eggs .. good stuff! Here? Hhhhm, not so much! Deej211 your “today’s haul” is a lovely variety .. that is more than a week’s worth from my one layer.

I have been joking that my 14 week olds will start laying before the slacking adults return to laying. It may not be a joke; Crystal has been scratching and digging around in the nest box!

Lol at your neighbour satay.

One word Fancy .. Brrrrrrrr (Hhhm, probably not a word but I think I have made my point

Loved your restaurant story cwrite! Lol

Howdy 1340busa Welcome to BYC and this thread

Once again, no news from Bambrook Bantams .. all well. Integration is definitely a past project with everyone getting along just fine.

I am still putting in two lots of breakfast to ensure that no-one dips out due to the pecking order and I love watching Cilla try and ‘cover’ both breakfasts at either end of the run; poor gal is going to wear herself out

I remember that Tina and Suzie (Silkies – RIP my beautiful little gals) used to make some strange noises in comparison to the other bantams and now I am noticing it in KiKi and Crystal (Silkie X) .. they sound more like ducks than chickens!

Anyways, today is predicted to be a beautiful sunny day and it sure looks like that is going to be case. I am going to take in as much of that sunshine as I can and spend some quality time in the garden with the gals …. I might just have to take the camera with me!

Crystal is a buff colour but she has some blue/silver wing feathers; I will see if I can get a picture to share.

Enjoy your day!
The chickens just came off their big molt and being winter i wasnt expecting any eggs but when i went out to feed them this morning i found this on the floor of the coop. Its a bit dirty as it was on the floor of the coop. Is this just a oops egg or is something more serious happening that i am unware of? Sorry about the picture the phone wasnt focusing properly

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