Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.


Here is a chick from my flock! Splash faverolles x silver pencilled plymouth rock bantam

Super Cute! I love the tufts!
Got my first egg from my araucana, happy but worried her egg had blood on it I looked at her vent she has a rip or wound on the upper bit. Anybody knows of the same thing happening to their chooks? I guess the first egg is too big? Hopefully it gets better
Got my first egg from my araucana, happy but worried her egg had blood on it I looked at her vent she has a rip or wound on the upper bit. Anybody knows of the same thing happening to their chooks? I guess the first egg is too big? Hopefully it gets better
Nothing to worry about. It often happens with first time layers, and sometimes with older birds.

xxxx M
Hi guys - sorry for the lack of updates. Someone from Telstra backhoed through a phone line and knocked out all service to my whole town - including our ability to call 000. It took days to repair.

The fox attack was 8 days ago. By the end of the day one chicken (Bumblebee) was missing and presumed dead. One (Ophelia) had skin tears along her back and a lot of missing feathers and was in obvious pain.

I treated Ophelia with saline and terramycin and put her in the brooder with my little 12 week old pullet Pipper who wasn't quite ready to go outside with the flock as a whole yet. After 2 days, Ophelia started yelling at me whenever she saw me. She had perked up a lot, her wounds were healing nicely and she wanted out, ******. I cleaned her wounds again and put her outside with her flock. She's been doing well since. (I also put Pipper out, who has found the transition hard and keeps trying to come into the house by any means necessary.

I hadn't seen Bumblebee since the attack and assumed that she was probably dead - either from the fox or from the week of very cold nights that followed it.

This morning I saw an Isa Brown on the other side of my back gate. Initially I thought that one of my chickens was being a jerk and had decided to wander off. I had two Isa Browns before Bumblebee disappeared. I assumed that it was the other - Optimus. Then I saw Optimus near my back window and immediately realized that Bumblebee had finally - 8 days later, made her way home.

My husband went out to let her through the gate. Immediately, two of my roosters ran to the gate and began to crow as if to say to him, "Here she is! Here she is!"

She's quite thin, scruffy, and is being picked on a bit for having been absent for a few days. Her feet looked swollen from a distance, I'll take a look at them later. In the meantime I've been letting her be with her flock. I intend to bring her in tonight, clean her up a bit, check her over better for wounds and see if I can't get her properly hydrated and fed.

This is the third time Bumblebee has survived an injury or attack. She's quite the survivor chicken. :D

What this means is that I lost 0 chickens in the fox attack. In your face, fox!

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