Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Aaaaaaah! She's beautiful!

@satay , You can also show my rooster to your neighbor! Animals are so adaptable. Although this crazy rooster stayed out by himself during an ice/snow storm this past winter, they usually all make it to the coop at night. Just shows how resilient they are. It's summer here now (Yes, I'm bragging!!!
) And he is fine.
It's cold here in qld today but it's beautiful, getting a taste of the spring to come, it's just me and bub home today so I've let the girls out to range the newly fenced front yard. Living the dream!

I even had a visit!
6 eggs yesterday. 2 isa 2 pekin and 2 araucana, just waiting on the 2 Sussex and the barnevelder and I'll have a full egg basket!

The new girls have been set free in the main run, they are still keeping away from the others in the day but they roost together at night, the isas are the only ones giving them any grief but overall integration is going well!

Isabelle (my daughter) is doing so well, life as normal for her! Already figuring out how to commando crawl, they said she will also figure out how to roll over with the cast too.
How it happened I don't know exactly, my best guess is it happened when she fell off the bed week before last, which is horrifying to me! Almost a week before I even knew something was wrong

I've decided that for at least the next 6 weeks I need some extra help, no point asking my ex, he barely helped when he lived here let alone now! Getting essentially an au pair, not live in as yet but she will be here every day when the boys are home to help me out and do school runs so I don't have to take Issy in and out of the car constantly, kid weighs a tonne with that cast on!!

I ended up putting the eggs in as when I got home on Friday the new mini incubator (Janoel 10) had arrived, I turned it on as soon as I'd unpacked and settled bub, next morning it was holding a steady temp (2 extra thermometers inside to check against) so I put them in, will candle Saturday or Sunday night, I'm not expecting anything considering the odds up against them . My hydrometer still hasn't arrived yet, I planned to run "dry" anyway but still
I filled just the middle well just to make sure there was some moisture in there as the air is pretty dry here at the moment but I'd like to know what it's actually at inside. Any other way to test humidity without a hydrometer? I should probably google that lol

ChristieB ... I love your photographs, especially the 'girls' inside on your wooden floor !! . Beautiful eggs too. Fascinating to see two cats in with the chickens. ... Are the cats by any chance, Blue Burmese ? .... Had one Blue myself, but he is long gone across the Rainbow Bridge - to join my other 15 cats over many years. ... Timmy was beautiful and such a funny sweet soul. My last cat - Felix - a black / mahogany ( in the sunlight ) moggie, was never sure about the chickens ... he would run at them, they'd stand their ground - and he'd take off for parts unknown ( he hoped ) ... I believe they had his measure, far more than he ever had theirs. .... He too has gone now ... and I miss having a cat. All in good time, we will find a dog or cat ( or both ) as friends for our Miss Ruby dog. But she has the chooks as companions ( one of which pecked her quite hard, through the cyclone fencing today - but no damage done ).

So pleased to hear that Isabelle ( such a pretty name ) ... is doing so well too. .... Good that you are getting some home / nanny help, also. ... She is a beautiful babe.

Good luck with all that thermometer / hydrometer business .... I am lost with that, as I have never incubated anything - and don't intend to start ( although the thought HAS crossed my mind from time to time ) ... would be a very interesting venture. .... Husband would have pink fit. .... Cannot imagine his reaction ( worse than mine ) when / if, they started pipping. !!! He'd be up all night checking on their progress.... hee hee.

Take care .... and cheers ........
Yeah yeah rub it in ChristieB lol nothing spring like here today. I'm absolutely freezing, had to go put some bed socks on as even my toes were aching from the cold inside lol. Weather zone tells me it "feels like" 7deg. Weather zone is talking out it's butt, it feels like freaking -7!

I do feel for you apps ... and I know the scene. ....

With heater on, I have also had to plonk my freezing feet on a hot water bottle, sit with granny rug on my knees ( yes, I am 'older' ... and it looks like it !! ) ... and a warm shawl around my shoulders, or a coat on, just to watch a bit of TV !! .... The house gets super cold in winter and super-duper hot in summer ... yet we have insulation in the ceiling and an air vent in the roof - go figure. We also have a heater / cooler reverse thingy in the family room - and it does a good job, but this weather in Victoria has been so weird lately, and bitter, it has struggled to heat the area it's aimed at.

My little 'office' where PC is housed, is warmest - as i have a bar heater in there with me, but can't remain there all day !! .

Have always loved winter, but might change my feelings on that - after this crazy lot of weather.

Are you in Victoria, or south somewhere ? - beneath your avatar only says "Australia" ...

Cheers .........
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I have watering cans filled and ready to melt ice on windscreens. Whilst hubby made it into Hobart for work today, they are closing the pass again tonight.
With all the rain we've had ,we are now on flood watch. Gumboots are the order of the day.

Adore the piggy !!
... Guess you'd have to keep a supply of full watering cans inside to cope with the cold / ice down in Tassie. Is kind of infrequent here, so we fill a bucket with a little hot water and the rest cold ( luke warm ultimately ) when needed. ... This winter - it has been needed.

And now you are on flood watch ? .... Good luck with all that - and wear the wellies well. !! Best thing since sliced bread - a good pair of wellington boots.

cheers .....
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