Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Fancy yep, that is next on my list of things to do; make the custard for the Trifle.

Hey locknest4 my oven is similar, I need my glasses to read exactly what setting it is on. I am sure it will still taste delicious
and at least you caught it in time.

For the Americans in the family [hubby] .. one Pumpkin Pie!

Lol, seems like there are quite a few xmas eve shoppers amongst us. ;)
Haha i seen this on fb just after i left the thread and was going to post it myself ;-)
Merry christmas to everyone on the Aussie thread. As I'll be in Brissy tomorrow thought i'd take the chance now to wish every single person on the Aussies thread who makes this a great thread to read each day a wonderful christmas.
Thanks Satay! Same back to u and everybody else!!
Cherry Pie; done! Now to finish the Trifle and Pumpkin Pie
Wow they both look amazing! Great stuff!
The pie looks gr8! I walked away from the oven for 15 mins and came back to this...
Somehow the control knob got turned to fan grill instead of fan forced! Hopefully it will still be good when I cut off the burnt parts.
Awwwwww! Looks yum tho! Well luckily I caught my 3 year old daughter as she fell asleep at the table 20 mins ago! She doesnt normally nap so its a big day christmas eve even for them and they havent even been out or cooking! lol. 40 degrees + next couple days again but misting system is all set up and working beautifully so wont have too much trouble with constant looking after :) Merry christmas and enjoy your holidays everyone!
... and Trifle! That is it; I am done :) Any volunteers to come and help clean up the kitchen? ;) lol
I see your pie, ham and trifle (ok it was actually a pavlova) Teila and raise you a coconut ice, rocky road, apricot balls and rum balls :) Plus, my dishwasher died so I bags any washing up volunteers lol
Such scrummy looking food!

We have agreed to get a quote & the developer will pay a pool company to do it - should be a safe option. We now have a bio-basin directly behind us - there used to be a huge ravine that handled the 2010 floods with ease. I think the developers buried all their rubble into it & gave it a fancy name but I'm betting it won't handle that volume of water now. Anyway, our neighbour will have a house directly behind them & it will overlook our garden & pool. I may purchase a tiny bikini & encourage lots of chicken noise whenever people come to look at the land.

After living in the UK for 11 years I'm always amazed by how civilised everyone is here when shopping on Christmas Eve. It's an absolute pleasure, although I did go earlier today so I must have missed the man rush for presents.

Happy Christmas for tomorrow everyone!

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