Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Fancy yep, that is next on my list of things to do; make the custard for the Trifle. Hey locknest4 my oven is similar, I need my glasses to read exactly what setting it is on. I am sure it will still taste delicious :drool and at least you caught it in time. For the Americans in the family [hubby] .. one Pumpkin Pie!
Your pie looks amazing but i don't think i have ever understood pumpkin pie. I am guessing it must have things like cinnamon etc and maybe maple syrup to sweeten? I love pumpkin but in a pie I am not so sure.
Hey there satay, yeah I am not a fan of the Pumpkin Pie but hubby is. Yep, cinnamon, sugar, all spice, nutmeg and cloves but I can still taste pumpkin

We had a wonderful day. Sorry in advance for all the pics …….

The gals Christmas pressies:

Enjoying their pressies:

Cilla having some Christmas Lunch while others had a post lunch bath:

The gals posed for a couple of shots .. I thought these two turned out pretty good; Blondie & KiKi:

LuLu [she is a poser!


And snapped a quick one of some of the fish:

Your pie looks amazing but i don't think i have ever understood pumpkin pie. I am guessing it must have things like cinnamon etc and maybe maple syrup to sweeten? I love pumpkin but in a pie I am not so sure.
Sweeteners vary but are usually caster sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, or a combination of the three. Pumpkin pie also usually has cream in it. One of my hacks is to substitute melted vanilla ice cream instead. Spices are traditionally ginger and cinnamon in fairly large amounts, about half as much nutmeg, and a tiny pinch of ground cloves. It's a very sweet custard-like pie. Mine is usually in a crust made from ground almonds and crushed biscuits. I've offered pumpkin pie to a grand total of one Australian who didn't LOVE it.

I'm more fond of it than most - perhaps because I'm American. >.>

Also Vegemite is repulsive. Just sayin'.
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Sweeteners vary but are usually caster sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, or a combination of the three.  Pumpkin pie also usually has cream in it.  One of my hacks is to substitute melted vanilla ice cream instead.  Spices are traditionally ginger and cinnamon in fairly large amounts, about half as much nutmeg, and a tiny pinch of ground cloves.  It's a very sweet custard-like pie.  Mine is usually in a crust made from ground almonds and crushed biscuits.  I've offered pumpkin pie to a grand total of one Australian who didn't LOVE it.

I'm more fond of it than most - perhaps because I'm American. >.>

Also Vegemite is repulsive.  Just sayin'.

Hehe, Vegemite is definitely an acquired taste. My hubby took heaps of it to America with him when he was on a 6 month post. He told the American and Italian navy seals that it was made from cows blood, needles to say none of them liked. ;)
We had a scorcher here but thankfully today it has rained all day. :) that's why I love Tassie, never stays hot for long.
My chickens had couscous and ham with mini puddings ( muffin the cat got in last night and licked all the white chocolate off of them ) . A lady picked up the last of the Silkie babies this morning and I have more hatching now.
Was so hot yesterday, hottest Xmas day recorded for Tassie , that we didn't even touch the trifle, so looks like it will be fried ham and eggs tonight with trifle for desert. :)


It was even too hot for us taswegiens to cut the Xmas cake.
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Your pie looks amazing but i don't think i have ever understood pumpkin pie. I am guessing it must have things like cinnamon etc and maybe maple syrup to sweeten? I love pumpkin but in a pie I am not so sure.

Try it satay ---- it really is delicious - heaps of recipes for it on line.

Teila - your pie looks delicious. .... Love pumpkin pie myself.

I left an ovation for you about the gorgeous pics of your girls and their 'chrissie gifts' .... but it does not show up ?? or didn't work. Not to worry - the pics are wonderful and I just love the ideas of gifts for the girls - gave our Miss Ruby her " Santa has visited " toy - she was ecstatic. Umm ... I did think of the chickens, but couldn't figure out what special treats I could give them - ( except toys ????
). So, didn't !!

Cheers to you both - and to all .......
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Hehe, Vegemite is definitely an acquired taste. My hubby took heaps of it to America with him when he was on a 6 month post. He told the American and Italian navy seals that it was made from cows blood, needles to say none of them liked.

We had a scorcher here but thankfully today it has rained all day.
that's why I love Tassie, never stays hot for long.
My chickens had couscous and ham with mini puddings ( muffin the cat got in last night and licked all the white chocolate off of them ) . A lady picked up the last of the Silkie babies this morning and I have more hatching now.
Was so hot yesterday, hottest Xmas day recorded for Tassie , that we didn't even touch the trifle, so looks like it will be fried ham and eggs tonight with trifle for desert.

It was even too hot for us taswegiens to cut the Xmas cake.

That cake looks superb Fancy. Daughter Louise, phoned from Tasmania, and said it was burning hot there - and is worse at 30°C in Tassie than it ever is in Melbourne ?? Not sure about that statement.

Yes, have to laugh at how Vegemite goes down with Americans ( NOT ). Couscous for the chooks ??? Would never have thought of it. Will try that - especially as Mandy is off her tucker again, and looking like she lost a million quid and found sixpence. Brought her inside for some more TLC, which worked last time ( and she enjoys the warmth on her butt, and all the attention ), but not sure - will wait with bated breath for first light tomorrow. She is however, shedding feathers, and picking at feathers too ??? Broody - moulting - who knows ? Same thing as about 2 weeks ago ? Only good thing about her is that her eyes are bright and she is alert - drinking water - so it's scrambled egg and yoghurt again tomorrow. hmmmm !! I am worried, but trying not to be - chickens do their thing, and being birds, do not necessarily have a long life. ( some do, some don't ).


Bad day here in Victoria - for Christmas Day. 115 homes razed to the ground around the great Ocean Road area near Wye River / Lorne area ( part of the Otway Ranges ). Fires not out yet, even though we have had deluges of rain. And thank heaven for that, the garden sooo needed it, despite my watering --- but that is of little consequence.

It is the loss of homes and treasures that is horrid, and of far more importance.

Very thankfully, no lives were lost which is a minor miracle, as many people down there were holidaying for the Christmas break in tents, caravans and holiday homes etc.

Shocking. We can only hope for for those who have been victims of the fires, and a much brighter New Year for everybody.

Cheers .......
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Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas day! Weather her in Perth has been mild but it's predicted to be scorching for the rest of the week.

Had to cancel our boxing day outing to the beach as the youngest has a vomiting bug.

So sad to hear of the fires and loss of homes in Victoria :(. We had a close experience in 2011 with the Redhill fires and were evacuated. Luckily no homes were lost but the reality of it being so close was frightening.
Here's a pic of our first egg laid today by one of the girls in the laying box.
That cake looks superb Fancy.    Daughter Louise, phoned from Tasmania, and said it was burning hot there - and is worse at 30°C in Tassie than it ever is in Melbourne ??   Not sure about that  statement. :/

Yes, have to laugh at how Vegemite goes down with Americans ( NOT ).   Couscous for the chooks ???   Would never have thought of it.   Will try that - especially as Mandy is off her tucker again, and looking like she lost a million quid and found sixpence.   Brought her inside for some more TLC, which worked last time ( and she enjoys the warmth on her butt, and all the attention ), but not sure - will wait with bated breath for first light tomorrow.  She is however, shedding feathers, and picking at  feathers too ???   Broody - moulting - who knows ?   Same thing as about 2 weeks ago ?    Only good thing about her is that her eyes are bright and she is alert - drinking water - so it's scrambled egg and yoghurt again tomorrow.  hmmmm !!   I am worried, but trying not to be - chickens do their thing, and being birds, do not necessarily have a long life.   ( some do, some don't ).      


Bad day here in Victoria - for Christmas Day.   115 homes razed to the ground around the great Ocean Road area near Wye River / Lorne area ( part of the Otway Ranges ).   Fires not out yet, even though we have had deluges of rain.   And thank heaven for that, the garden sooo needed it, despite my watering --- but that is of little consequence.  

It is the loss of homes and treasures that is horrid, and of far more importance.  

Very thankfully, no lives were lost which is a minor miracle, as many people down there were holidaying for the Christmas break in tents, caravans and holiday homes etc.   

Shocking.   We can only hope for  for those who have been victims of the fires, and a much brighter New Year for everybody. 

Cheers ....... 

Your daughter is correct . We've been posted to most states in Aus with the exception of SA and NT and believe me when I say that 32 feels more like 42 here. It's a different kind of heat . Our daughter has just returned from WA and she was struggling yesterday.
Glad to see that there was no loss of human life in the fires.

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