Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

The real question is why Cilla isn't waking everybody up....

You're my world! You are my night and DAY!! She should be the "belter" of the group.

EDIT: just tell Kiki to stick with "Amoureuse" in the mornings and not to sing "I've got the music in me" until after lunch...

LOL .. love your sense of humour!!
Wow, some lovely photos in the past few pages. Teila, your girls are so pretty! and Satay, so sorry for the loss of your beloved Zeus. It's a very nice memorial :) Broody quail pics sound adorable:D

I took some photos yesterday too of my group. The first ones of Annabelle (with fresh dirt on her face) taking it easy after rejoining the others. She lost her position as alpha to her bff Ada, in her absence. Ada (whose being photobombed above by Esme), is making it clear she's number one, reinforcing it every chance she gets, particularly at mealtime. Ada eats first, and by herself. So Annabelle's been chasing Iris, my 5 month old speckled sussex around, who in turn was making Agnes submit to her. A lot of pecking going on here atm.

In this photo I threw some rice. It has the power to bring bickering chickens together, for about two minutes.
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Good to keep hearing your stories Telia an anniebee . My current batches of chicks are about 10 days old and I have a new broody in the nest. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She was trying to run a hatch last month but gave up due to no spots.
Good to keep hearing your stories Telia an anniebee . My current batches of chicks are about 10 days old and I have a new broody in the nest. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She was trying to run a hatch last month but gave up due to no spots.

Awww .... is it possible to make a new nest for your broody - somehow enclosed to keep the others out this time ? Seems a shame that she wants to hatch chickies, but can't because of greedy, dominant other chooks. ( and they can be pushy little blighters ).

Glad you enjoy our stories sjturner79 ..... you always post interesting informative things here too - I enjoy everyones' contributions.

Cheers ......
Hey Annie, thank you. While they have all learnt that me digging in the garden is a good time to catch bugs and worms, they usually all hover around, wait for me to move on and then make a beeline for the recently dug soil .. all except Blondie, she has obviously heard that old ‘early bird catches the worm’ and wants to be first, before I have finished

When I say the girls are not impressed, they do not seem to mind the luke warm water, it is more the putting in bit. They do sit there quietly while I clean them but hubby is needed to ensure they do not make a break for it.

Froggy seems to make it into a lot of my chicken photos probably because they like that spot when it is windy. It is between the raised corrugated iron garden and the cat run so well protected from the wind.

I have no idea how much Froggy weighs but he is solid concrete and is very heavy. He is part of the family and I have had him for probably 20 years now. While he is not particularly attractive, I have dragged him along whenever we move.

I took this one in March last year

I think maybe, that I am minorly in love with 'Froggy' .... he is really adorable, even if a bit on the hefty side. !! Wouldn't mind betting your hens love him too - maybe that's why photo ops. are readily available near Froggy. More than possible, he makes them feel safe - from marauding raptors etc. !! - as well as the wind. ( and ya know, he well could ).

Eagles / hawks, would not necessarily know from a great height, what this big greeny/blue 'thing' is and could be wary of approach .... and your girls obviously enjoy and snuggle up to his company. Keep him forever ... I think he's doing a wonderful security job. ( I mean it ).

I don't dunk my girls in warm water baths .... they stand quietly while I wash down their grotty feathers, get the scissors out and clip away much of the detritus that is difficult to remove plus some thick soft feathering - pluck a few feathers, and they love love love, a really warm ( almost hot ) old wet face flannel on their butts, holding it there for a minute or so at a time, then warming it up again. I have absolutely NO idea what it does for them ... but they get all dopey and doe-eyed ( almost cross eyed with delight ) when that hottish poultice is applied.

Have said it before - I have wierd chooks !!

Cheers again .....
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To Teila ....

Originally Posted by cwrite

Teila, I really feel for you with the early morning noise issues. We went through hell with that and have mostly resolved it. My two cents for our situation was that I learned to NEVER feed them in the morning. All their treats, grazing time and anything else has to happen late afternoon. Week-ends are more problematic because I'm more conscious of them waking others up and they know that - if I'm home alone they know shoutiing doesn't help. If the kids or hubby are home, they try their luck & someone is more likely to give in. When they do complain, it doesn't last as long though. It took me ages to move them to afternoon stuff and it was very painful for everyone. I still can't believe my neighbours never complained to the council.


I have to agree with cwrite here ... but then I have never had the problem of quietening fractious chickens in the early a.m..

I leave plenty of their layer pellets in their coops overnight - so that they can have a feast in the morning ( if they wish ). Water is changed each night, and they are set for the morning.

Anything extra ( free ranging, rice mix plus goodies, greens, scratch mix, kitchen scraps chopped up etc. ) all happens after 1 pm. I often let them out late in the morning, but never show my face until then - as they will try to tear down the wire in the door if I appear. !! Hubby, if he is home early will let them out earlier than I will.

My rationale is that while they remain in the morning, in their coops - they will eat, drink to their own needs - lay an egg or two maybe -- and generally behave themselves.
Mornings are like a dose of marry-i-joo-ana to chickens. ( didn't dare type the proper name for weed there !!
) It's when they are at their loudest, most cheerful, full of energy ... preparing for the day. Which I guess is why roosters crow early in the a.m. too. ( only a guess on my part for that ).

I honestly have noticed that when hubby appears and lets them out around 8 am ... they become quite vocal ... but they are 'quiet' vocal. ( except for Mindy who crows and shrieks on occasions at any time of the day - I think she just freaks out because she can !!

If you have any more problems ( and I hope you don't Teila ) .... try moving them 'around the clock' a bit - change their routines.


cwrite .... I deliberately left out the bit about snakes here. !! They frighten me, but only for my chickens and my dog Miss Ruby. Not for me.

I deal with a snake in a most inappropriate manner ... ( against the law in fact ) ... will just leave it at that !!

Cheers all --------

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Hey Annie you could definitely be onto something .. while I have always thought that Froggy is a good wind break and wonder whether he radiates some stored up warmth, he may also be a protection from predators .. he could be their concrete security blanket
Lots of babies Satay
You have some gorgeous colours with the new budgies. Also, the memorial for Zeus and Bear is lovely. So nice that your hubby did that.

Teila, I have a relative of your frog in our garden. He came with the house, & although missing a bit of paint I think he's very sweet.

Anniebee, so glad that I'm not the only one that does the ignore until afternoon thing. I really think it encourages them to eat more of their proper food too as apart from a bit of fruit, no food leaves the run. One New Years eve I gave them rice mixed with goodies so that they were stuffed to the gills before bed and they were good as gold early morning - unlike the year before when I actually heard our neighbour moan & rightly too.

Fizzybelle, your flock looks super sweet, especially the silkie. The grey colours are beautiful. One or two silkies are on my wish list for sure.

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