Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi, sounds like a vitamin B shortfall unless she has had a head trauma. Most of the online poultry suppliers will express post. Is she eating ok ?
If so, while you are sourcing vitamins to add to the water try dissolving a tablespoon of Vegemite in a little hot water , then soak some bread in it and feed it to her.

Thank you! I've read that vitamin B could be the issue. She's eating and drinking fine and I checked her legs over and over, they all good too. I'll try the vegemite in the meantime and go online for vitamins.

Thanks again for your response
WOW!!! Have I ever missed a LOT!! I have really tried to catch up on it all but my goodness I have missed so many good posts. I did find the posts on poultry feed to be very interesting and might go back and read more when I have a bit more time.

Our chicks here have been growing up so fast and I am always amazed at the hilarious things they get up to. The girls are loving their new coop/run but love getting out in the morning to venture through the yard all day. It's amazing how Carla, Rosie and Ella have so quickly become apart of our family and apart of our daily lives in such a short period of time. It would be devastating to loose any of them now.

QUESTION: Do only roo's chest bump? Carla and Rosie do it to each other often. I just thought it was the two of them working out the pecking order.
Hi all, newbie here from Victoria!! I need some input regards to my 18wk old australorp. She's been walking like John Cleese and she shakes as she walks. When foraging with the others she has to lay down. I bought her as day old from a breeder so was vaccinated prior to purchase. Can anybody help?? I've been to all pet/rural supplies and no one has an idea and don't really sell anything like vitamins, antibiotics etc. I don't really want to be paying vet bills at this moment it time

I'm no help but just wishing you all the best, keep us posted!!! :love
WOW!!! Have I ever missed a LOT!! I have really tried to catch up on it all but my goodness I have missed so many good posts. I did find the posts on poultry feed to be very interesting and might go back and read more when I have a bit more time.

Our chicks here have been growing up so fast and I am always amazed at the hilarious things they get up to. The girls are loving their new coop/run but love getting out in the morning to venture through the yard all day. It's amazing how Carla, Rosie and Ella have so quickly become apart of our family and apart of our daily lives in such a short period of time. It would be devastating to loose any of them now.

QUESTION: Do only roo's chest bump? Carla and Rosie do it to each other often. I just thought it was the two of them working out the pecking order.

Chest bumping is normal behavior in both sexes. :)
The one I got last time was in a plastic "jar", it was squarish in shape and I think it had green writing. Could have been Woolworths brand. I remember it saying it was Australian because I remember buying it because all they had was the chinese mutant stuff and I needed garlic for something.

No, I've never read anything about how they grow it, I just felt that there was "something wrong with it" when I bought it.

The worms like the veges when they've got a head start on the decaying process. yum yum yum.

Have had reasonable success potato chip .... with white pepper sprinkled liberally on leaves of sprouting vegetables, plus ground up egg shells around the bases of them.

The egg shells are not a happy adventure for slugs and snails. I think they might be like razor blades to the snails - and they avoid them like the plague.

But --- if we let our vegies do their own thing, bugs, snails and heaven knows what else ( including possums
) ... do their best to wreck our home growns.
It's a constant ongoing thing - looking after vegetable plants, away from predators.

Also - an excellent tip on a website I visited ( haven't a clue where it was ) .... was to cut out from used milk containers, which are whitish in colour usually - - some figures of butterflies ( actually cabbage moths to be precise - but who wants to be precise ~!!!
) .... and apparently cabbage moths are territorial ( who would have thought that ? ) ... and will not go near a cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli patch - if they see a variety of sticks with the plastic moths cut out - and a few 'veins' painted on them for good measure. A would be artist could have a grand practice of painting on those. About 8 or 10 of them scattered about ( depending on the size of the vegie garden bed ), stuck on sticks etc., is enough to ward off the would be real intruders.

Cheers .......
I have had little luck growing garlic too. I did better with turmeric.

Coles brand garlic is Australian.

I don't often shop at Coles .... but next time will look for that. I can get it at our local IGA store.

Turmeric is an extraordinarily beneficiai spice - a pinch in your morning coffee can't be tasted ( more than a pinch can ) .... and it is excellent for overall health improvement.

I now do not miss out on it - once a day ( and in curries which we love ).

Must try and grow it myself some day soon ( when puppy has ceased to be Miss Dynamite from Terminator ) .... oh my heaven, you have no idea - but then most likely you do. !!

I know I will drop some considerable kilos' in weight dealing with this puppy from another planet !! At 6.85 weeks old, she is one helluva clever little tyke. Too young to be separated from her siblings, in my opinion. But it was not my call.

Cheers ...........
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Thank you! I've read that vitamin B could be the issue. She's eating and drinking fine and I checked her legs over and over, they all good too. I'll try the vegemite in the meantime and go online for vitamins.

Thanks again for your response

Minch83 - A hearty welcome to BYC ( Aussie version ).

Fancychooklady gives superb advice, and we don't know where we would be without her. I would follow that advice to the letter.

Mind you, some chooks do the high step, but in your case your hen is also resting a lot, and shaking .... so go with the advice.

( Vitamin B complex helps a heap of troubles for humans too - I swear by it ).

Cheers ........
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