Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

This is from the Australian garlic site I'd read made pastes

I recognise those green containers, is that woollies maybe?

And the best garlic

This is mine growing happily in my vege garden :). That was about a month ago, looking like it's going to be a good crop this year!

Your garlic garden looks fantastic!! We eat a lot of garlic but sadly I am not a gardener and hubby doesn't have the time. We buy ours from the markets from a local farmer how grows AMAZING garlic. So lucky we have him in our lives!!
So, I am chatting away to my across the road neighbour who is recovering from major surgery. While her hubby already does lots of stuff around the place, including mowing the lawns, she was saying how wonderful he has been, looking after her and pretty much doing everything.

She mentioned that she had noticed that I mow the lawns and I explained that it is a care factor thing .. I care how the lawns and garden look, hubby is not fussed, ergo he does not do lawns

Anyways, this got me thinking …….

Indicators for me that the lawn needs a mow:

It has not been done for a couple of weeks.
The path edges are getting a little long.
If I leave it for another week it is going to be harder to do and the clippings will be too long to throw into the run for the girls.

Indicators for hubby that the lawn might need a mow:

The paths have disappeared.
The chickens head out for free range with a compass, backpack, rations and mini machete.
Free range looks like a scene from Jurassic Park

Oh HILARIOUS!! Hubby mows the lawn ALL the time! Almost like it is his only job! He would mow every second day if I let him (his escape strategy). When he is away of doesn't have the time to do it I do but I just let it grow until I really need to do it.
This morning I was mixing up the feed and thought I'd take a pic for you guys.
Free range mixed 50/50 with micro pellet.

Chick starter

Looks good Fancychooklady will invest sometime into researching a better feed for our chicks. Sadly were we are the options so far seem limited and might have to see if I can order some better feed in.
MyHaven How is your flock going? Just caught up on all the posts I have missed over the last couple of weeks and can't believe your situation. Hope it is all going well and the affected chooks are getting better.

Wishing you all the best and hope everyone has a speedy recovery.
Hi to all,

I am somewhat perplexed by my current flock health/situation. My girls are only in their first year and started laying about 2-3months ago. Everyone seemed to be each laying about every second day. However, in the last two weeks my eggs have dropped off to nothing. Not even my Isa’s are producing (they are about 10months old).

Over the last 2 months I have noticed the odd sneeze amongst my girls, this has only ever been an occasional sneeze, usually in the morning and not by all of them. I thought this could just be a result of coming into the cooler weather – now I am not so sure given the eggs have stopped. I also noticed last night someone has been feather picking the chest of my rooster (a bare chest may look ok on a man, but not on my blue birchen rooster).

Could the following be factors or should I be more concerned – in the last 3 weeks I have started fermenting feed. I use a 17% layer mash for this and also supplement with a dry 17% no grind layer crumble as well as a handful of sprouted wheat every second or third day. We have also lost about 2-3hours of light each day given the change in season and I do have a broody hen who is occupying one of the nests. Could they be feeling overcrowded in their sleeping quarters 8 birds?

Other than the odd sneeze and lack of eggs everyone seems fine. I did have one BR who was very lethargic 2 weeks back, so I quarantined her for a week and until she improved. Given the sneezes and egg drop off I have considered Infectious Bronchitis, but there has been no loss of appetite or misshapen eggs from the girls. I also have an adjoining pen with wheaton marans (only laying for about 3 weeks) and who are still laying – no drop off here.

What do you think?
Fancychooklady Can I ask what brand of feed you are using?

The chick starter is tassie made , it contains oregano oils as a natural anticocidiant. The company is ' Seed house ' they have an entire range for all age groups. Ask your supplier to enquirer about it .
The breeder pens are fed a 50/50 mix of laucke game bird finisher - free range mixed grain.
My layers are fed a 50/50 mix of Lucky Hen RSPCA pellets -free range mixed grain.
I have 4 x bins that I make it up in.


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Hi to all,

I am somewhat perplexed by my current flock health/situation. My girls are only in their first year and started laying about 2-3months ago. Everyone seemed to be each laying about every second day. However, in the last two weeks my eggs have dropped off to nothing. Not even my Isa’s are producing (they are about 10months old).

Over the last 2 months I have noticed the odd sneeze amongst my girls, this has only ever been an occasional sneeze, usually in the morning and not by all of them. I thought this could just be a result of coming into the cooler weather – now I am not so sure given the eggs have stopped. I also noticed last night someone has been feather picking the chest of my rooster (a bare chest may look ok on a man, but not on my blue birchen rooster).

Could the following be factors or should I be more concerned – in the last 3 weeks I have started fermenting feed. I use a 17% layer mash for this and also supplement with a dry 17% no grind layer crumble as well as a handful of sprouted wheat every second or third day. We have also lost about 2-3hours of light each day given the change in season and I do have a broody hen who is occupying one of the nests. Could they be feeling overcrowded in their sleeping quarters 8 birds?

Other than the odd sneeze and lack of eggs everyone seems fine. I did have one BR who was very lethargic 2 weeks back, so I quarantined her for a week and until she improved. Given the sneezes and egg drop off I have considered Infectious Bronchitis, but there has been no loss of appetite or misshapen eggs from the girls. I also have an adjoining pen with wheaton marans (only laying for about 3 weeks) and who are still laying – no drop off here.

What do you think?
Hi, I wouldn't be too concerned with the occasional sneeze. With our extended warm weather and dry spell it could just be dust or feed related. Check the nares / nostrils of the birds because wet feed can clog them. The missing feathers could just be due to moult , mine are in a second moult. Birds cease laying during a moult and that too would explain your lack of eggs. Feather eating is however another matter , birds that are lacking amino acid methionine have poor feather growth and will eat feathers in an attempt to meet their requirements. Egg production in these birds can falter also. Check your feed for amino acids methionine and linoleic acid. You could also add a poultry vitamin to the water or switch to game bird finisher and up the it protein for a few months. :)
Fancychooklady - thank you for the advice. I will certainly check nostrils for wet feed issues and feed specifications and amend the feed types as suggested. I really miss my eggs so will give anything a go.

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