Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

What powder does everyone use for fleas and mites etc? Covering all bases at the moment and it's an easy one so figured it can't hurt. Plus nice new floor made me think it's a good time to treat all their roosts etc. I have greys powder and pestene in the garage and remember one was recommended but not which of the two that was.

Is there a withdrawal for eggs? Neither mention it.

Also @Fancychooklady or anyone else have you used these avitrol worming tablets? I have such a hard time getting them to drink the worming liquid I thought this might be easier and I will know for sure each actually got it.
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What powder does everyone use for fleas and mites etc? Covering all bases at the moment and it's an easy one so figured it can't hurt. Plus nice new floor made me think it's a good time to treat all their roosts etc. I have greys powder and pestene in the garage and remember one was recommended but not which of the two that was.

Is there a withdrawal for eggs? Neither mention it.

Also @Fancychooklady or anyone else have you used these avitrol worming tablets? I have such a hard time getting them to drink the worming liquid I thought this might be easier and I will know for sure each actually got it.

If I had a small flock I would go with the tablets. As you say , at least you know that they are get their required dose.
I don't use pestene anymore as it has been linked to Parkinson's disease. There are several sprays available and I generally use Woolworths brand surface spray in and around the coop.
Is this perfect weather for cuddling fluffy little Silkies or what? My little Agnes is so soft and warm when I pick her up, and there's no fishy breath in my face when or if she yawns, unlike the cat :p

Henriettasmum, Wow a broody quail, they're generally supposed to lay eggs and forget them from what I've read, an incubator is the way to go. I would like to get some quail one day, but for now it's more chickens ;) Bargain price on that shed though! We're getting a shed put in, and the aim is to have the coop completed before it goes up. I gotta do some shopping around looking for wire. Oh it was raining today and the girls took shelter under that coop door you see in the photo I posted, and they found the avian wire isn't small enough to keep rain out :rolleyes:

And yes in that other picture is a lavender Araucana, her name is Mabel, my newest flock member. She's around 4 months old, I got her at about six weeks I think, and she's just the friendliest, sweetest little chookie. If we hadn't moved house, then we'd be doing what you did and adding to the coop/run, as the little coop the bantams are in atm is getting squashy for them (it's one of those kits). Originally at our old house I wanted to build a separate run for them around their coop like we did for the big chooks, but now it's a brand new house for everyone! I'll be keeping the little coop as a spare is always handy should anyone need separating or in the very likely chance I get more chickens. I discovered Seabrights and am in dire need of one, silver preferably.

Ada is still playing musical nests, today (and yesterday apparently as there were two eggs) it was behind an old cupboard under the deck.
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We have concrete! I can't believe it finally done! About 15 years ago when we lost our flock to foxes I said no more till I don't have to crawl through mud to get the eggs each day and it's not a muddy mess every winter. (well bend over cause our roof is only about 4 foot)

Of course I caved a few years back but since then I've closed in the sides of their house (originally their house was the whole pen and so it was just a lean to with wire walls where we had closed in under the kids cubby house), built a nesting box so I can get eggs from outside instead of having to go in the coop and put a second roof inside it so it no longer leaks when it rains but drains out to a gutter I put up. The only thing left that I couldn't do myself was concrete that floor. And now it's done yay! Happy dance happy dance lol

Oh and little update on the kids, day 3 of the oral thrush drops and winery's crop was completely empty this morning and just a little soft feeling compared to half full of liquid yesterday and full the day before. She is really hungry but I'm pacing out her feeds during the day so she doesn't overdo it till it's all working properly

Carl is still looking ok but I've started giving her the drops too just to be on the safe side since she is sort of ground zero.

Al is not really eating much (been watching her the last week) so has joined winry in isolation and is not amused. She won't even eat the drops on bread like the others so she is getting them syringed in much to her disgust. Her crop doesn't feel full of water like winry did but is a little spongy and obviously not emptying real well as I know she ate nothing yesterday so it should have been empty. Neither of them is really pooping much either but I guess that will improve with their appetites.

I can't wait till letting the chooks out in the morning is not a 20 minute production!

What kind of drops are they? Just for curiousties sake for future first aid should it be needed.

And boy do I hear you, I also can't wait till morning chooky duty isn't some super early drawn out production too. Congrats on getting you long awaited concrete floor!
What kind of drops are they? Just for curiousties sake for future first aid should it be needed.

And boy do I hear you, I also can't wait till morning chooky duty isn't some super early drawn out production too. Congrats on getting you long awaited concrete floor!

They are the ones you buy from the chemist for oral thrush. I saw a lot of people suggesting thrush suppositories but thought these are designed to be put in a babies mouth so that has to be safer. I also read conflicting advice on turning the chicken upside down and making them vomit for sour crop. After a few my chicken died from doing it comments decided not to and so far I'm glad it doesn't seem to have been nescesary.

The chooks weren't as excited by the floor as I was. They did quite a bit of pacing outside before finally getting brave enough to go in lol
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They are the ones you buy from the chemist for oral thrush. I saw a lot of people suggesting thrush suppositories but thought these are designed to be put in a babies mouth so that has to be safer. I also read conflicting advice on turning the chicken upside down and making them vomit for sour crop. After a few my chicken died from doing it comments decided not to and so far I'm glad it doesn't seem to have been nescesary.

The chooks weren't as excited by the floor as I was. They did quite a bit of pacing outside before finally getting brave enough to go in lol

I re-homed 6 of my hens that were all wrong for what in trying to breed out to the brothers farm today, and they loved the concrete floor in thier house out there.
Colonel didn't make it :-(

I'm so sorry Apps. Just caught up on the 8 pages I missed. I'm sure you did all you could and sounds like u will be getting a few additions to assist you with the rest of your flock. Wish I could get a cement floor
What powder does everyone use for fleas and mites etc? Covering all bases at the moment and it's an easy one so figured it can't hurt. Plus nice new floor made me think it's a good time to treat all their roosts etc. I have greys powder and pestene in the garage and remember one was recommended but not which of the two that was.

Is there a withdrawal for eggs? Neither mention it.

Also @Fancychooklady or anyone else have you used these avitrol worming tablets? I have such a hard time getting them to drink the worming liquid I thought this might be easier and I will know for sure each actually got it.
I use pure sulphur powder. It is a major ingredient of the commercial dusting powders, but far cheaper to buy by the kilo
from your local produce store.
Hi all!
I'm having trouble with one of my chooks and my dog
He's a 9 month old maremma and he's started pulling one of the girls feathers out from her back, he doesn't damage her skin or bite her and it's only the one chook he does it too. He started last week and I've just caught him again but this time she just laid there and he must have just been licking her as no feathers today.
Any ideas what could be going on? I just found my first egg from my flock today too. Could this have anything to do with it?

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