Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Telia, thank you, and no I appreciate the input. We'd had Lucy for three years, she was 5, an RSPCA adoptee. Our previous cats were both 18½ - 19 when they passed, and they were indoor and outdoor cats. We've always kept them locked up at night, for their safety and the nocturnal wildlife that comes out. Geckos were the usual victims of prey anyway, or mice, if they could be bothered.
The only difference is we've moved to a new area that's a little more condensed, so that's a factor we didn't have before. It's something we'll need to discuss in the future to make sure that any potential new pet is safe. I think an older, less active cat might be the way to go in future if keeping them indoors. Plus there's my bantams to be concerned about. My old alpha hen Fredericka made sure Lucy knew to stay away, but I don't have her anymore either. Hence why I've been thinking of trialing a roo (with a collar, see how the neighbours feel), or at least a bossy hen, maybe a RIR bantam. Anyway, It's a lot to think about, but not for a while. I've just been a bit paranoid with everything lately and my minds ticking over too much.

Congrats on getting your cats to go on leashes though, I've never been able to do that, it's been resistance all the way lol, and I love the white mustache on one of your kitties, very suave!

Satay, thank you as well :)

Sjturner79, lovely pics of the chickies enjoying the sunshine. They look very healthy and happy.
Hello all
- ( for the time being ) .... will have much to catch up on late next week, ( hopefully sooner ) as my Google Chrome browser has crashed big time ... I am able to access the Net using another browser, but cannot get into my main email account which is with Gmail. .... So it's off to the technician next Monday ( after I have filed on Flash Drives, everything I can over the weekend ) !!

LuckysMum ... re pale comb when chicken is sick. I certainly am under the impression that it happens that way. Although I read somewhere that a vividly ( much more than usual ) bright blazing red comb, can also be a sign of illness ?? Someone else here would know better about that.

Fizzybelle ... No - I am not looking for a roo at this time - as a pet. Was just making the enquiry recently - and answers were gratefully received, from several sources.

I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your cat - that is absolutely awful. RIP.

But the great news is that your fathers' surgery removed all the cancer he had.

sjturner79 .... big congrats on the successful hatching of all those wonderful new bubs. Well done.

Teila ... Got such a surprise when I saw your congrats on my 4 year badge. Didn't know about that, but am so chuffed ... also have passed the 1000 posts mark.

Teila and Satay Re : cats. They are creatures of comfort - and I was advised by our Vet, to always keep them indoors; that they live much longer happier lives as indoors cats than outdoors. The Vet monthly Newsletter has reminded owners of that too - on a few occasions. Another thing it keeps them from, is abscesses on face / head / body, when a feral ( or not ) entire male is infuriated at another cat invading what it 'thinks' is its' territory and viciously attacks. Tooth bites introduce bacteria - hence the problem which requires vet attention very quickly.

The male tom, doesn't know if the other cat is speyed or not - they just have to have a go at it. That can be very dangerous to health through abscess, from wandering entires. So you are right to keep your precious kitties as closely guarded as possible - and they have those lovely open spaces to play around in. You have a wonderful set up there.

Having said all that, I do understand the feelings of people who like to let their animals go free - and of those who think 'neutering' is un-natural " Oh I couldn't do that " ... I have heard said. Well - the male cat does not miss his testes, nor does the queen miss her ovaries / uterus. Male neutering is a very simple procedure - often done by a Vet nurse. Lady cats more complicated for obvious reasons.

LuckysMum ...... Mindy did lay another soft shell, on which you commented, but since then she has laid whole lovely eggs ..... which I attribute to one 0.10 ml daily dose of ANITONE, which has calcium and phosphorous in it - along with all other goodies. Admittedly, it is only 4 days of Anitone, and 3 excellent eggs - so keeping fingers crossed
... she will be getting the Anitone on a daily basis, tapering off to every two days in about 10 days time. ... as far as I am concerned, a chicken that lays soft shells has some inner working problems ( calcium deficiency ) which could be construed as 'not being well' ... and Anitone is used for ailling chickens. She's still as nutty as a fruit cake though. I give it to her, soaked into a little bit of bread - and she scoffs the lot.


Mandy is still doing her sitting bit - but is improved. She walks around with tail raised, then spots a nice patch of grass, and sits down to peck at it. Eats very well - no eggs, bright good colour comb - - - all weird !! .... I cannot however, call her an unhealthy chicken - just a slow old lady, who prefers to sit with tail straight up !!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend - and trust I can get back here asap. Don't want to miss out on anything.
......... Cheers ~~
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Green cheek babies, I think there are 4. All three parents are spending most of their time in the nest box today. One had a very sneaky peek to see who was topping up their food earlier.

Speaking of which they are going through a LOT of food atm
Hello all :frow  - ( for the time being ) .... will have much to catch up on late next week, ( hopefully sooner ) as my Google Chrome browser has crashed big time ... I am able to access the Net using another browser, but cannot get into my main email account which is with Gmail.   .... So it's off to the technician next Monday ( after I have filed on Flash Drives, everything I can over the weekend ) !! 

LuckysMum ... re pale comb when chicken is sick.   I certainly am under the impression that it happens that way.   Although I read somewhere that a vividly ( much more than usual ) bright blazing red comb, can also be a sign of illness ??   Someone else here would know better about that.  

Fizzybelle  ... No - I am not looking for a roo at this time - as a pet.   Was just making the enquiry recently - and answers were gratefully received,  from several sources.

I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your cat - that is absolutely awful.  RIP.  

But the great news is that your fathers' surgery removed all the cancer he  had.  

sjturner79 .... big congrats on the successful  hatching of all those wonderful new bubs.    Well done. 

Teila ... Got such a surprise when I saw your congrats on my 4 year badge.   Didn't know about that, but am so chuffed ... also have passed the 1000 posts mark.   

Teila and Satay  Re : cats.   They are creatures of comfort - and I was advised by our Vet, to always keep them indoors; that they live much longer happier lives as indoors cats than outdoors.   The Vet monthly Newsletter has reminded owners of that too - on a few occasions.   Another thing it keeps them from,  is abscesses on face / head / body, when a feral ( or not ) entire male is infuriated at another cat invading what it 'thinks' is its' territory and viciously attacks.  Tooth bites introduce bacteria - hence the problem which requires vet attention very quickly.    

The male tom, doesn't know if the other cat is speyed or not - they just have to have a go at it.   That can be very dangerous to health through abscess, from wandering entires. So you are right to keep your precious kitties as closely guarded as possible - and they have those lovely open spaces to play around in.  You have a wonderful set up there.   

Having said all that, I do understand the feelings of people who like to let their animals go free - and of those who think 'neutering' is un-natural " Oh I couldn't do that " ... I have heard said.   Well - the male cat does not miss his testes, nor does the queen miss her ovaries / uterus.  Male neutering is a very simple procedure - often done by a Vet nurse.   Lady cats more complicated for obvious reasons.  

LuckysMum ...... Mindy did lay another soft shell, on which you commented, but since then she has laid whole lovely eggs ..... which I attribute to one 0.10 ml daily dose of ANITONE, which has calcium and phosphorous in it - along with all other goodies.  Admittedly, it is only 4 days of Anitone, and 3 excellent eggs - so keeping fingers crossed :fl  ... she will be getting the Anitone on a daily basis, tapering off to every two days in about 10 days time.  ... as far as I am concerned, a chicken that lays soft shells has some inner working problems ( calcium deficiency ) which could be construed as 'not being well' ... and Anitone is used for ailling chickens.   She's still as nutty as a fruit cake though.   I give it to her, soaked into a little bit of bread - and she scoffs the lot.  


Mandy is still doing her sitting bit - but is improved.  She walks around with tail raised, then spots a nice patch of grass, and sits down to peck at it.   Eats very well - no eggs, bright good colour comb - - - all weird !! .... I cannot however, call her an unhealthy chicken - just a slow old lady, who prefers to sit with tail straight up !!!  :confused:   

Hope everyone has a good weekend - and trust I can get back here asap.  Don't want to miss out on anything.   ;)  ......... Cheers ~~ 

My 2 cats were desexed as soon as they were old enough for many reasons and they only spend a few hours a day outside, usually whilst I'm in the garden.
Fizzybelle Sorry to hear about your cat, it was nice of the lady to show so much compassion. It is sadly missing these days. I am really happy for you that your dads cancer surgery went well. Cancer affects so many families these days that we all love to hear of the ones who manage to beat it.

Teila I know of quite a few people who have cat runs attached to windows so their cats can come and go. I don’t thinks its cruel. I don’t like my neighbours cats fighting on my roof at night that is worse than roosters crowing at 4.30 am. I think your right too about protecting them and our wildlife. Yours cats look lovely. I love the photo of them look up the wall.

Satay Ty looks very relaxed there.

sjturner79 Love the pic of your babies meeting the sunshine, they are so cute. Love all the photos.

Anniebee I will try the Anitione in bread tomorrow I just got some. I have a couple of hens laying eggs that are probably abit too thin and they love bread. Poor Mandy, you’ve probably said before but I can’t remember how old is Mandy now. I know there are days my knees don’t like me walking and I just want to sit. (and I'm not that old lol)

SilkieChickStar Love your Green cheek babies they look so helpless. Can't wait to see photos when they are bigger.
Thanks Anniebee and LuckysMum

My bottle of Anitone arrived the other day, I'll try giving it to them 2 or 3 times a week and see how it goes. I also have a broody to break again. Pekins just love going clucky. I do wish I had some hatching eggs, as I think Esme would be a great mother, but maybe another time.

Oh and this photo is from a week or two ago when I roasted some pumpkin to give to the girls to try. They preferred to eat it off the baking tray funnily enough. They also like drinking out of glasses lol. Esme and Annabelle are in this photo, looks like Annabelle's trying to eat it all herself as per usual. Excuse the yard, we're still in the process of a bit of DIY landscaping after the shed went up.

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Hello all :frow  - ( for the time being ) .... will have much to catch up on late next week, ( hopefully sooner ) as my Google Chrome browser has crashed big time ... I am able to access the Net using another browser, but cannot get into my main email account which is with Gmail.   .... So it's off to the technician next Monday ( after I have filed on Flash Drives, everything I can over the weekend ) !! 

LuckysMum ... re pale comb when chicken is sick.   I certainly am under the impression that it happens that way.   Although I read somewhere that a vividly ( much more than usual ) bright blazing red comb, can also be a sign of illness ??   Someone else here would know better about that.  

Fizzybelle  ... No - I am not looking for a roo at this time - as a pet.   Was just making the enquiry recently - and answers were gratefully received,  from several sources.

I am so very sorry to hear of the death of your cat - that is absolutely awful.  RIP.  

But the great news is that your fathers' surgery removed all the cancer he  had.  

sjturner79 .... big congrats on the successful  hatching of all those wonderful new bubs.    Well done. 

Teila ... Got such a surprise when I saw your congrats on my 4 year badge.   Didn't know about that, but am so chuffed ... also have passed the 1000 posts mark.   

Teila and Satay  Re : cats.   They are creatures of comfort - and I was advised by our Vet, to always keep them indoors; that they live much longer happier lives as indoors cats than outdoors.   The Vet monthly Newsletter has reminded owners of that too - on a few occasions.   Another thing it keeps them from,  is abscesses on face / head / body, when a feral ( or not ) entire male is infuriated at another cat invading what it 'thinks' is its' territory and viciously attacks.  Tooth bites introduce bacteria - hence the problem which requires vet attention very quickly.    

The male tom, doesn't know if the other cat is speyed or not - they just have to have a go at it.   That can be very dangerous to health through abscess, from wandering entires. So you are right to keep your precious kitties as closely guarded as possible - and they have those lovely open spaces to play around in.  You have a wonderful set up there.   

Having said all that, I do understand the feelings of people who like to let their animals go free - and of those who think 'neutering' is un-natural " Oh I couldn't do that " ... I have heard said.   Well - the male cat does not miss his testes, nor does the queen miss her ovaries / uterus.  Male neutering is a very simple procedure - often done by a Vet nurse.   Lady cats more complicated for obvious reasons.  

LuckysMum ...... Mindy did lay another soft shell, on which you commented, but since then she has laid whole lovely eggs ..... which I attribute to one 0.10 ml daily dose of ANITONE, which has calcium and phosphorous in it - along with all other goodies.  Admittedly, it is only 4 days of Anitone, and 3 excellent eggs - so keeping fingers crossed :fl  ... she will be getting the Anitone on a daily basis, tapering off to every two days in about 10 days time.  ... as far as I am concerned, a chicken that lays soft shells has some inner working problems ( calcium deficiency ) which could be construed as 'not being well' ... and Anitone is used for ailling chickens.   She's still as nutty as a fruit cake though.   I give it to her, soaked into a little bit of bread - and she scoffs the lot.  


Mandy is still doing her sitting bit - but is improved.  She walks around with tail raised, then spots a nice patch of grass, and sits down to peck at it.   Eats very well - no eggs, bright good colour comb - - - all weird !! .... I cannot however, call her an unhealthy chicken - just a slow old lady, who prefers to sit with tail straight up !!!  :confused:   

Hope everyone has a good weekend - and trust I can get back here asap.  Don't want to miss out on anything.   ;)  ......... Cheers ~~ 
I agree with desexing. I have heard from men before i couldn't de sex my dog or cat because they would not want to loose them. :rolleyes: Your a person not an animal is my response. I don't necessarily agree with the keeping them inside makes them live longer all of the time. My cousin has 6 cats... Yes 6 all de sexed. Her oldest just turned 22. She lives on acreage too though but her house is pretty close to the road. Lucky for her i guess it's not a main road. In the city these days it would be much harder to keep cats safe from traffic etc with the yards getting smaller all the time.

I am really surprised Ty has lasted this long, When we first moved here he was 6 and after only 2 days here he took down a fox. I freaked out but he was fine the fox not so much. Alot of blood but it ran off. He has taken down my 2 day old sheep , a neighbours 6 week old puppy, another neighbours little kelpie that came to play with Zeus one day, I had to shake him off the dog. ( all escaped with wounds from his claws but were ok) He even scratched my son across the eye when he was in grade 3 on school photo day so that made for a good photo that year. Thankfully as he is getting older his "bad attitude" as i like to call it is mellowing some what.

I think a lot of his bad attitude comes from where he was born. My son wanted a cat and hubby not a fan of them resisted for a few years. J didn't let up on him on at the start of grade 1 he said he could get one.,. We saw an add for give away kittens in the courier mail. So we head off to Sunny bank to have a look. A man leads us into a bathroom and I swear i have never seen so many cats and kittens in one room. I was freaking out a little lent down to J and said maybe we should look elsewhere. J was having none of it and wanted one from there. There had to be no joke 3 female adults and 30 plus kittens of about 6 weeks or so of age tearing around this bathroom and only 1 small bowl fo feed that i could see. So i told J you pick one. He picked ty. We went straight from there to the vets to get him checked over Thankfully he was all good but a little under weight. So i think he must have had to scrap for food from young and never really lost his attitude.
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Good morning folks

sjturner79 love the bubs n’ kitties on the lawn pics!

Anniebee I hope the PC repair goes well and we see you back here sooner rather than later.

SilkieChickStar thank you for sharing your Conure pics .. I am enjoying watching your jelly beans progress and look forward to more pics.

FizzybellePekins just love going clucky” Oooh yeah don’t they just
Love the pumpkin pic!

Satay yeah, I agree with you that the situation for each cat owner differs. If I did not have cars tearing up and down the street only metres away from the house or other neighbourhood dogs and cats to worry about and had an acreage, I would probably let my cats have a supervised wander during the day also; ensuring they were locked up at night.

Some cats sole purpose is to keep rodent numbers down, barn cats etc. They obviously need to be out and about, not much rodent catching happening in a run.

I think it does boil down to City Cat and Country Cat.

Thank you to those who commented about the cats. You would be amazed the number of times I have been told "that is just not right"’ or "that is cruel" when I have had them out the front on their leads or from people who I have mentioned to that my cats do not wander. Except, of course, the Vet who is all for it.

One last cat pic .. it is a tough life! lol .. This is part of a series, taken at intervals on a Saturday morning over a period of approximately 3 hours during which all they accomplished was to roll over
Please excuse the holes in the curtains, the reason for those is laying on her back with her paws in the air!

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