Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning folks :frow

Well, I did not win the Business Support Person of the Year award but I am still chuffed to have been nominated. There was some stiff competition and the winner was definitely deserving.  Popped the nomination certificate on my office wall next to the 15 years of service [now 16].

sjturner79 loving all the pics of your bubbies.  I am sorry to read that the little one did not make it :(

Fancy I am sorry also to read about your losses to Mr Goshawk :( When my Charlie-Bear passed away I had her cremated; I still natter away to her when I pass her urn :rolleyes:  which has her collar around it.  I still have her toys in the shed and her bowls in my pet cupboard; I can not bring myself to part with them.

Anniebee that is a beautiful story about Oscar and while I have heard it before, I do not think I will tire of reading it again.  A special and very beautiful cat.

Cheep82 how cool, working in a lab and getting DNA gender tests done :thumbsup

No big plans for today; I have to head over to the feed store and buy some tucker for the gals and also on the agenda is a pumpkin for Hubby to carve.  His being American means that we do partake in the Halloween festivities and even if he was not, I still would.  While we do not get a heap of trick or treaters in our area, the ones that we do are adorable and the few dollars spent on treats is worth it to see them having fun and their smiles.  Must remember to get some batteries for the remote controlled Black Widow Spider we have ;)  

Some animals strike a chord in your heart and will always be with you . Sox was a well travelled cat , she moved from Sydney to Perth twice , Queensland , back to Sydney then here to tassie . She was very sociable and always ended up living inside with the owners of the various cattery/kennels that we placed here in from state to state. Most importantly when I was at my worst with illness she was always at the foot of the bed , day in and day out. My constant companion. I am a lover all animals , but sox certainly has left 'paw prints on my heart ' .

I'm sorry you didn't receive the award , but the nomination was certainly recognition of you and your work ethic. There's always next year.
Hi Eveyone,
Haven't been on BYC for ages. It's been a long busy year, starting with my mum breaking her back and it sort of went down hill from there :(
I hope one of you can help me. The last month or so I have been flat out and haven't had much time to spend with the chooks except to feed, water them and collect eggs. Weather here in Perth has been weird- one day cold and rainy the next high twenties. The flock of 9 have been doing well but the other day one of them had a bloody bottom. So today the coop was cleaned, new sawdust put down, affected chook bathed and all treated for worms as a few bottoms looked a bit poopy. It took ages removing what looked like hard black tar from above her vent with soaking in Luke warm soapy water and then cutting away feathers. Her poor bottom is swollen and raw. I dried her and applied beta dine ointment and have isolated her from the others. An Internet search suggests she might have fly strike as a result of worm infection (last treated the flock about 3 months ago), although I saw no maggots or worms. Here's a pic of her bottom

The black stuff that's still stuck on (I couldn't remove it with soaking and didn't want to hurt her) was all around the affected area.

And here's the wormer I have put in their water

Also was wondering if there is a withholding period on eating eggs after treat the flock with wormer?
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Hi there. I'm not sure what the chook has but just so you know that wormer only treats for roundworm. I'd recommend in a weeks time following uo with a broad spectrum wormer that treats all worm types.

As for withholding period it shouod say on the label
Hi Eveyone,
Haven't been on BYC for ages. It's been a long busy year, starting with my mum breaking her back and it sort of went down hill from there :(
I hope one of you can help me. The last month or so I have been flat out and haven't had much time to spend with the chooks except to feed, water them and collect eggs. Weather here in Perth has been weird- one day cold and rainy the next high twenties. The flock of 9 have been doing well but the other day one of them had a bloody bottom. So today the coop was cleaned, new sawdust put down, affected chook bathed and all treated for worms as a few bottoms looked a bit poopy. It took ages removing what looked like hard black tar from above her vent with soaking in Luke warm soapy water and then cutting away feathers. Her poor bottom is swollen and raw. I dried her and applied beta dine ointment and have isolated her from the others. An Internet search suggests she might have fly strike as a result of worm infection (last treated the flock about 3 months ago), although I saw no maggots or worms. Here's a pic of her bottom

The black stuff that's still stuck on (I couldn't remove it with soaking and didn't want to hurt her) was all around the affected area.

And here's the wormer I have put in their water

Also was wondering if there is a withholding period on eating eggs after treat the flock with wormer?

So sorry to hear about your mum. Having chicken problems is probably the last thing you need right now.
From the pics, this looks more like a case of prolapsed vent. Is the bird laying?
Piperazine only treats for roundworm, so if I were you I would be inclined to follow up 10 days after dosing with this product with a levamisole product, like Big L.
Anniebee Oscar looked to be a wonderful cat. As I’ve said before animals can have an amazing amount of compassion. Sometimes I think humans can learn from animals. When people call other people animals I think they do a disservice to animals.

Fancy Sox sounds like a wonderful cat too. What a blessing to have great pets.

sjturner79 Good luck with the new batch.

Teila I think being nominated for Business Support Person of the year shows people value the job you do and really, showing appreciation is just as good. Great job congratulations.

locknest4 Sorry to hear about your mum I can’t help with the chooks bottom. But wanted to wish you luck.

I am going to the Mundijong markets this week I'm not working that day and I thought I'd take a look. Originally I though I'd take some of my girls to sell. But I think I might take a look first. I have never been to a market where they auction animals before. Should be interesting, I told my husband I might bring something home, he said nothing alive. Haha He thinks we have enough chooks.
Good morning folks

Thank you all for your kind words regarding my not getting the award. I have often said that IF I have to get up every morning to go to work, I am lucky that it is for a good company in a role I enjoy.

Hey locknest4, nice to see you again. Sorry to hear about your Mum
Also sorry that I am not able to help with your gal but do hope that you get her sorted soon.

LuckysMum quote “I told my husband I might bring something home ….”.

I enjoy watching National Geographic and Animal Planet and this one particular day I was ducking out to the shops and Hubby said “do not bring home any animals” to which I replied “like what?”. His reply was “Oh, I don’t know, a giraffe!”

Meet Gerry who came home that day!

We are all set for Halloween .. pumpkin carved, new batteries in the remote control Black Widow Spider and treats in the fridge. I will share a picture of the pumpkin tomorrow. Slight twist this year in that he is an alien pumpkin, having three eyes
Hello again

Just a quick update from BB. As you may have remembered from earlier posts, Crystal is not only noisy but also trying to work her way up the pecking order. While she got Blondie to submit pretty easily, LuLu was not quite so easy and there was a lot of raised hackles, chest bumping etc. So, anyways, to cut a long story short, LuLu eventually submitted. However, that is not enough for Crystal who will now not stop picking on LuLu to the point that LuLu is now hiding in the coop.

So Crystal, while not broody, has earned herself a stint in broody jail. While I definitely do not have favourities, if Crystal does not have an attitude adjustment, her noisiness and this latest stunt is enough to find herself on Gumtree. I am not going to tolerate LuLu having to hide in the coop
Teila - ... you did wonderfully well to get the nomination in the first place. Congrats on that alone, even though you didn't win the top award. Great acknowledgement of your good work.

Sorry to hear about Crystal playing up again. ... time in jail might help ... or if you have room - just a separate small coop and run for her, until she gets over herself !! Would not like to hear of her having to go on Gumtree. That would be very sad.

Love the 'giraffe' you brought home for your husband to enjoy !!

Fancy - Sox sounds like one remarkable and easy going cat. And to be with you every day during your illness was wonderful - animals sure can have some beautiful empathy. .....

And yes, it IS nice to be back - but a painful at the moment, as I have gout in the right foot - and that is a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone. Have to rest it a lot ... so my 'putering is limited at the moment.

Locknest4 .... So sorry to hear about your Mum's problems. I hope whatever the type of break to her back, can be ultimately mended and that she recuperates fully.

I do hope you can solve the problem for your chicken. A little oil might help remove the dark matter around her vent. It might be old dried blood ?

Fancys' suggestion is most likely right - a prolapsed vent.

But if she has had an egg half in half out or broken on it's way out .... and chickens being inquisitive - if the egg was broken at all, unfortunately other chickens may try to eat from around the vent, and therefore raise blood and infection, with their pecking at what they consider food. .... ( I read recently this can happen )

That is a horrid concept I know ( apologies - hope it has not offended anyone ) .... but does anyone know if it is true ? ... that flock birds can do this ?

(edited to add : )

Jessbonnitcha .... those are some beautiful cockerels you have there.

sjturner79 .... yes, good luck with the new bubs coming along.

To all who have lost pets. I too have kept bowls, and have always buried my beauties with one of their favourite toys or for cats, their blanket. ( all in the back garden except one who was cremated and remains inside in a beautiful carved box ) .... They all live with us forever, in our hearts.

Luckys'Mum .... really aggravates me too, when I hear of monster humans being called animals. Just wish people would think a bit more carefully. It's always an insult to animals.

Cheers all ....
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