Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good morning folks

sjturner79 30 chookies, 5 minutes
satay & Fancy 70 chookies + extras, 1 hour

Me? 5 little chookies, 30 minutes! Tee hee, I am thinking I am definitely overdoing the chicken care/chore thing LOL

Fancy how did you go with the heatwave?

Hello again Callhuss, I am pleased to see you found us. Welcome! As I mentioned before, I am not going to be able to help with the Pygmy Geese but hopefully someone will.

No news of note from Bambrook Bantams; happy chookies and happy me
Good morning folks :frow

sjturner79  30 chookies, 5 minutes
satay & Fancy 70 chookies + extras, 1 hour

Me? 5 little chookies, 30 minutes! Tee hee, I am thinking I am definitely overdoing the chicken care/chore thing LOL :lau

Fancy how did you go with the heatwave?

Hello again Callhuss, I am pleased to see you found us.  Welcome!  As I mentioned before, I am not going to be able to help with the Pygmy Geese but hopefully someone will.

No news of note from Bambrook Bantams; happy chookies and happy me ;)
Good morning folks :frow

sjturner79  30 chookies, 5 minutes
satay & Fancy 70 chookies + extras, 1 hour

Me? 5 little chookies, 30 minutes! Tee hee, I am thinking I am definitely overdoing the chicken care/chore thing LOL :lau

Fancy how did you go with the heatwave?

Hello again Callhuss, I am pleased to see you found us.  Welcome!  As I mentioned before, I am not going to be able to help with the Pygmy Geese but hopefully someone will.

No news of note from Bambrook Bantams; happy chookies and happy me ;)

Hehe, your probably more of a perfectionist than I am.
Heatwave missed us. Showers first thing made things a little steamy but the north of the state copped some pretty impressive thunder storms. My incubator is chirping today , chickees !!!!
Finally convinced my Mum to build a chook coop in the backyard. All my chooks are a my Grandparents (which is a 40 min drive away
). Bought an old aviary that I've fixed up, now building the run.

Anyone going to the Nowra show next February? I'm putting in 6 Light Sussex pullets, maybe 2 Hamburg hens, maybe 1 araucana hen, and 1 Belgian D'uccle rooster. Also I'm going to be a Steward and the Head Stewart's assistant.
Good morning folks :frow

sjturner79  30 chookies, 5 minutes
satay & Fancy 70 chookies + extras, 1 hour

Me? 5 little chookies, 30 minutes! Tee hee, I am thinking I am definitely overdoing the chicken care/chore thing LOL :lau

Fancy how did you go with the heatwave?

Hello again Callhuss, I am pleased to see you found us.  Welcome!  As I mentioned before, I am not going to be able to help with the Pygmy Geese but hopefully someone will.

No news of note from Bambrook Bantams; happy chookies and happy me ;)

Wow - I know you open and close nest boxes, but what else do you do daily? Clean the coop or something?
LOL sjturner79

I have no broodies at the moment so the nest boxes can stay open

So, every morning I wander on out and let them out of the run, then I go back inside and dish up their treat and grain for the day.

Next is to change the water in the run and the two extra containers strategically placed in the garden.

Dustpan and brush the overnight poops from under the roost and give the slatted, timber floor a wipe over with a non toxic, safe for them and me, vanilla scented spray.

This is followed by grabbing the garden hoe and turning over the dirt in their favourite spots in the garden and also in the deep litter run, ready for the day’s exploring and dust bathing.

Finally, have a nice little chat to them all, watch everyone for a few minutes to ensure everyone looks OK, no signs of illness, discomfort or stress.

Doesn’t everyone do all of the above? LOL
Hi everyone,
Good news to share chicken who had fly strike now healed. Pic of her poor bum 3weeks ago

After washing her I went to the breeder up the road who sold me this product to sprinkle on the fly strike area

She said a with holding period of 10 days on the eggs, but I am wondering if it should be longer?

Another question is I just read in a book that my neighbour lent me that you should never feed chickens meat because of the risk of BSE (?). I have always feed them scraps including meat. Let me know if you have any ideas what the BSE means.Thanks!
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