Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good afternoon folks :frow

Gees, it is afternoon already?  I actually had to do some serious work this morning which meant no BYC time .. tut :rolleyes: lol

Thank you all the joint pain tips; I will check them out.

satay I never imagined myself saying this about a snake but Millia is kinda cute!

Corrie I probably already said hello on the Introductions Forum and may be even pointed you in this direction …  Anyways Hello again and Welcome! :frow

Hey Fizzybelle I have not had anyone with bumble foot here but it sure does look like all the pictures I have seen of it.

Fancy good to see you and of course you were missed!

On that note @Ashburnham
 we have not seen you for a while, I do hope all is OK.

My knee is much better today and Mr Walking Stick is only required for long treks now .. he is currently sitting at the front door making friends with the umbrellas LOL

Hubby flew out this morning for his interview tomorrow … got everything crossed! :fl  :fl

Best of luck to your hubby today.I'm sure he wont need it though.
Goood morning Folks

I got nothing!
Plodding along ……………
Thanks MiddleWoods and Teila. I'll let you know what the vet says. I could try some of the home remedies, but I'd rather let him deal with it (and her wriggly, scratchy, kicky feet) and have pain meds if need be. Fortunately it doesn't look too advanced, and she's still running around like a mad thing as per usual. Least it's a treatable condition this time, and I won't need to quarantine her either. Everyone else in the flock has nice healthy (but dirty) feet. Annabelle did me the favor of walking in poo right before I wanted to check her feet, how thoughtful!!

MiddleWoods, I hope your new girls settle in soon. I'm still planning on new additions too - I really want a Polish frizzle :love What colour is you new Araucana? I'd get more Araucanas except my Mabel loves the sound of her own voice, and is convinced the neighbours also love the sound of her voice before 5am.

edit: Yep, vet confirmed it.

Bumble foot is a staph infection, if you catch it early a course of antibiotics will nip it in the bud, but sometimes surgery is required. I had one that I was able to pull the plug out, but keeping it bandaged and clean was a nightmare. They can damage the sole of their feet if they are jumping from high places so best to check the height of your perches and either lower them or put some hay or straw on the floor to soften the landing. :)
Thanks MiddleWoods and Teila. I'll let you know what the vet says. I could try some of the home remedies, but I'd rather let him deal with it (and her wriggly, scratchy, kicky feet) and have pain meds if need be. Fortunately it doesn't look too advanced, and she's still running around like a mad thing as per usual. Least it's a treatable condition this time, and I won't need to quarantine her either. Everyone else in the flock has nice healthy (but dirty) feet. Annabelle did me the favor of walking in poo right before I wanted to check her feet, how thoughtful!!

MiddleWoods, I hope your new girls settle in soon. I'm still planning on new additions too - I really want a Polish frizzle :love What colour is you new Araucana? I'd get more Araucanas except my Mabel loves the sound of her own voice, and is convinced the neighbours also love the sound of her voice before 5am.

edit: Yep, vet confirmed it.

Our araucana is a lavender. She's bizarre. Very hard to catch but once you catch her, the most docile of our chooks and will happily sit on your lap forever.

Some of ours have bumblefoot too, I never knew it was a thing until recently.
Went to the vets but Mabel's bumblefoot was too small for him to want to cut it out of her foot, and it's not causing any lameness. So we'll monitor it a while, and try the epsom salt bath with some betadine and bandages if need be. I might try to keep the area clean and sanitized each night as well. Of course went I went to put Mabel in the pet carrier, I couldn't find her. I called out, and she came running from behind the coop where she and Ezzie were playing in the dirt. Had to make sure her feet were filthy especially for the vets, well done Mabel, you're a champ.

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